Mood: Headcold
OHEY GUIZ! I changed my blag name because the old one was so generic! FER SRS.
If anyone wants to know, it's a pun on the fact that I have horrible vision and the fact that I'm slightly duck footed...
In other news, I have a headcold. I knew it. Y'know why? I coughed yesterday. Once, but even coughing once was enough warning for me to realize this. And it sucks. My weekend of plans (which is none) is ruined! Gwaahh! Also, I have no classes with Hita! But she has classes with Kitty dammit! Why am I always so left out?
First we were Sora and Riku, then I suddenly got the boot and I became Demyx. I'm the odd one out and I feel like a third wheel sometimes. Even moreso this year because we don't see each other besides before and after school.
I know what you're thinking:
But I'm seriously feelin' it bros. And lady bros. Mostly lady bros I'm guessing, but hey, if you're a dude, give a shoutout! I honestly don't know. I may or may not grope you to make sure