Just Dance (till your arm is dead)

Oh gawd. It's kinda hard to type this because my hand is shaking so much. But you guys probably need a bit of backstory for this right? Of course you do, you always do. So goddamn demanding.

So anyways; this week at school the library decide to set up the wii with Just Dance 2. Of course since my locker is right across from the enterance of the library, I got a good view of people making a dancing fool of themselves. And of course my first reaction was: I MUST DO THIS. So I ask Hita if she wants to join me.

She said no. Damn her. She doesn't like dancing in public. So I said I would buy the game so we could play it at her house with her sister possibly. And buy it I did. Now I just need to get to Hita's house. Since I bought it, of course I had to try it out.

And now my arm is dead. Because I think I overdid it. (BUT IT WAS SO FUCKING FUN IT WAS WORTH IT) it literally shakes as I try to keep it up. I regret nothing but I should probably stop typing now. Hopefully some rest will fix it so I can kick Hita's ass at Just Dance.

Just sayin'.

