
rawr....this is sooooooo random.We are is writing stories at school....this is mine so far...enjoy...hah...I wish I could put a ninjah like myself in it...or a samurai...but I can't...teacher won't let me ...*cries*....hah

The after school bell rang shrilly, Tallulah began jamming her text books and notes into a faded blue backpack.
“Hey Lula, got anytime today?” asked a pointed featured girl beside Tallulah. Not wanting to be around people, as always, Tallulah declined politely with the excuse of work and cooking for her father. Walking out of the classroom briskly, she headed towards her locker.
Tallulah had stayed to long at her locker; the sun was already sinking into the horizon and the stars were beginning to unmask their faces of daytime. She ran down the cracked and dirty street; as Tallulah passed a dark alley lined with disfigured fences, she noticed a fight going on. Normally Tallulah would keep going, ignoring the fight, but something made her stay. The poor soul that the men were beating on was not fighting back, most people attempt to defend themselves or get away, but this one just took the blows as if it didn’t hurt. One large thug threw the one that was taking the pummel into some garbage cans and bags, he drew back his foot to kick and then the hurt person did something most unusual. He opened his mouth. Something glittered in the faint light, but Tallulah could not see what, the other men however did. They all scattered, screaming as they ran. The man left behind collapsed; he must have been punched one too many times. Tallulah ran over to him, she didn’t know why, but she felt she should help him. As Tallulah neared the unconscious one, she noticed he was around her age and ever so beautiful. His hair came down in auburn waves, just long enough to touch his cheeks; his pale complexion glowed through the dark. Bruises covered his arms and legs, his pale shirt and dark shorts were ripped and dirty, but bruised most of all was his angelic face. Tallulah heard the men reproaching again with more members this time, she panicked, what if they hurt her to? She couldn’t afford to miss school, she needed an education. As the voices grew nearer she hoisted the beautiful stranger onto her back and began running back towards home. He was surprisingly light; Tallula had thought he would have been at least 2 times heavier, considering he must be around 17 or 18 years old. Tallulah charged down the street, the strange boy bouncing along like an enormous doll. Tallulah could hear the men were angrily looking for the boy, if they found him; they would both be as could as dead. She pumped her legs harder and harder, her breathing coming out in deep gasps, was home really this far away? Tallulah rounded the last corner and began digging out the key from her jacket pocket. The men were close, they had split up and now some voices were getting closer and closer. Climbing the steps two at a time, Tallulah came to her door at last. She began jamming the key at the lock, voices getting closer. The key wasn’t fitting very well; Tallulah’s hand couldn’t steady to work it properly. The voices must have been just around the corner when she finally was able to open the door, run inside and slam it right away. Tallulah’s legs almost gave out from running so long and finally being able to stop. She staggered into the living room and laid the strange boy on the couch. Using one finger, she prodded the boy in the cheek hoping he would wake up.
“Excuse me, sir? Are you alright? Please wake up.” Tallulah whispered. The boy did not stir; he only kept on a steady breathing with his eyes shut tight.
“Um…sir, are you alright? Mr. Beat-up Guy, please wake up.” She said a in a louder tone, but the boy kept sleeping.
“HEY! WAKE UP!” yelled a very irritated Tallulah. The boy flinched a little but kept on sleeping. Giving up the attempt to arise the strange boy, Tallulah went into the kitchen to get some icepacks and went clothes for the boy’s bruises and band aids for his scratches.
“What a strange boy.” Wondered Tallulah aloud. “Why was he being getting beaten in the first place? Perhaps he had done something bad, maybe he’d offended that gang. Oh my god! What if he’s crazy?”
Tallulah pushed aside the thought that she’d brought a psycho into her house and began bandaging the boy’s scratches and icing his bruises. Tallulah stayed away from any bruises that were beneath his boxers (she didn’t know him anyways) and patched up all the wounds under his shirt. By the time she’s finished, the sleeping beauty boy looked like a mummy. She had checked for any broken bones and amazingly enough, there were known; not even a fracture!
“I wonder when he’ll wake up. Maybe he’ll be hungry or thirsty.” Tallulah asked herself. “It’s late; I have school tomorrow so I better get some sleep. I’ll put a glass of water and a sandwich on the coffee table for him.” Tallulah did so. Tallulah laid a blanket on the boy and placed a pillow under his head and put a tall glass of water with plenty of ice, a peanut-butter and strawberry jam sandwich under plastic-rap, and a note on the coffee table next to the boy. The note read:

Dear Mr. Beat-up Guy,
I saved you before the punks could come back to finish the job. I don’t know how you were able to scare them away like that, could you maybe tell me sometime? Anyways, I carried you back to my home. I live alone so it’s no problem if you need a place to stay, I have plenty of room. Please stay at least until your wounds heal.
If you don’t like peanut-butter and strawberry jam sandwiches, please, help yourself to whatever you would like in the fridge or cupboards. If you need more bandages, they’re in the top left drawer and the ice packs are in the freezer, of course.
If you need anything, I’m in the room next to the bathroom (it’s quite visible). Wake me for whatever reasons!
Tallulah Abernethy

Tallulah awoke early to the high pitched rings of the alarm clock beside here. She dressed quickly in her plaid skirt and sailor-style shirt uniform and left her small room to find the boy she had saved last night from being beaten to death was still asleep on the couch. Would he ever wake up? Tallulah’s temper flared for a moment before she calmed herself, sighing deeply, she wrote underneath her previous message:
Dear Mr. Beat-up guy,
I noticed you haven’t woken up, so you haven’t eaten the sandwich I left you; please help yourself to anything in the fridge and cupboards. I am currently at school; I’ll be back around 4:00.
Tallulah Abernethy

Tallulah left the note in the same place as before and pushed her shoes onto her feet, grabbed the untouched food for breakfast and stepped outside into the sun. It shone brightly; Tallulah’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, once they did, she set out for school with a feeling that something would change today.
“How strange.” She said aloud to nobody.

Vincent awoke; he was lying on an unfamiliar couch, everything around him was unfamiliar. A single piece of paper lay beside him on a coffee table; it had two notes written on it that indicated he had been saved by a girl. Saved? Vincent pondered a moment before remembering that a gang had come after him. The bottom message and top invited him to whatever food he wanted that was in the house, foolish humans.
With great effort, he lurched to his feet; almost every bit of him ached in pain. Though most of his wounds had already healed a lot, they still hurt. “These will most likely be healed by tonight” he thought. Vincent’s body growled with hunger, it demanded a meal. A rat scuttled beneath the couch, Vincent’s hand under the comfy sofa and caught the rodent just in time. His hadn’t fully returned yet either. In an almost unconscious state, Vincent forced his k-9s to extend and sharpen. He shoved them into the squirming creature’s skin; he punctured a fatal vein and drank deeply. The rat writhed in pain and shrieked as loud as its small voice would allow before it went silent and limp. Vincent sucked at the vein at the blood until the rat shriveled until it turned to dust. Vincent retracted his teeth and they dulled. This was only an insignificant rat that nobody could miss, but what if next time it was this Tallulah girl? This disease, was it supposed to drive him away from people?
"This disease is truly from hell." he said and lay back to sleep again.
