Welcome to my little corner of The Otaku!

Let me introduce myself. I sign my art as "Kasey-chan", so feel free to call me that. My interest in drawing started when my sister and I went down to the book store and we discovered How-To-Draw-Anime books. It took off from there.
When I'm not scribbling away I am pursuing work in theatrical properties, spending way too much time on Netflix, watching too much TV, and wishing radioactive waste really did give people superpowers.

Here's some of my favorite things :).

Anime: Miyazaki's works, Tokyo Godfathers, Astro Boy (2003)
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin and Hana Kimi
American Cartoons: Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Venture Brothers, Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
TV Shows: Merlin (BBC), Firefly, Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movies: The Secret of Kells, The Adventures of Tintin, X-Men: First Class, The Iron Giant, Muppet Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, RoboGeisha, Sharktopus
Books: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey,Jane Eyre
Colors: Green!
Superheroes: Batman and Spiderman

Art Trades and Requests

I'm pretty much up for anything except yaoi/yuri. PM me .

My Day Off

Okay, so I'm off work today and have been spending most of it at Wall-Mart lol. I've also been attempting to get fan art done before I start on my manga, which may or may not be a competeable task. I managed, however, to get a fan art posted so please feel free to look at it.
On a different note, my siblings and I are having a fun time going through the Avatar series. My favorite characters thus far are Toff, Sokka, and Zuko (Rufio) lol. I'm probably going to be having some weird dreams in the near future ^-^.
Also I finished Northanger Abbey and can sum it up in two words: MR.TILNEY. lol. He is one of my new favorite Jane Austen heros.
Okay so that's all I've got. This is a Zetsubou fan art.

have fun Otaku-ing!


Well my manga is sort of getting delayed. Well the cover art anyway. This is al due to work, a cousins wedding, and Northanger Abbey. Ah! Wonderful Northanger Abbey. Yes, believe it or not, I am acctually reading a book lol. I figured that I should have at least read one Jane Austen book, since I'm in the society and all. So far, the book is acctually pretty good. Well its Jane Austen, what can you expect. I love the satirical tone it has and MR.TILNEY!!!! lol. He's sooo heroic. So anyway, I'll try to keep up with this new manga. I have some character developing to do yet, so it might be a little longer before I post pages.
Okay, so I have to do chores now, funfun.
heres another Shunpei pic.

have fun Otaku-ing!

Free Screentones ^-^

I have just stumbled upon some free screentones on the internet, and free fonts too, so I am going to have a lot of fun with those!!!! In, fact, I'm comeing out with a new manga, to see the title, check my manga HQ world.
Wow, I had no idea that there were such avid avatar fans on this site lol.
In response to mewmewpudding: RU-FI- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. You can definitely tell when you hear it. And you should definitly watch FLCL!! You can really see where all the funny faces and expresions come from in avatar.
Stixx: Did you check out the yesasia site yet?!
Well, I've had a long day at work and wish to browse for more free stuff. lol.
heres a Shunpei pic.

Have fun Otaku-ing!

The Past Few Days

Hello All!
Well, first big news is that I won 3rd in mewmewlover55's contest so I get these adorable little keychains! I'm sooooooo excited. Also, I found a site called yesasia.com where I found some hot posters of my favorite Taiwanese boy band, Fahrenheit. Stixx, you may wan to check that site out, I'm sure they'd have some S.H.E stuff there too. . So now I'm focusing on getting some art done. I have a ton of colored pencil stuff to do. However, that has been going slow because I just recently downloaded the first 3 books of the Avatar:The Last Airbender series. The torrent I used to download it off of had some extra stuff on it. While watching an interview with the creators I found out that Avatar was inspired by Miyazaki's stuff and FLCL, awesomeness!!!! I can totally see the similarities now! Oh, ya, and the voice actor who plays Zuko was Rufio from that Robin Williams movie, Hook. lol. Now every time he talks I just want to say RU-FI-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! . They also had some adorable chibi shorts. So my siblings and I are having a lot of fun with this whole avatar shpeal.
now I'm thinking of FLCL lol. I'll give you guys a pic.

have fun otaku-ing!

Art Books and Rice Balls (onigiri-spelling?)

Last night my sis and I went to emily-chans house for a little get-together we had planned sort of last minute. Thats usually the way it works, much to my mothers dismay lol. Anyway, we made onigiri (spelling?), which is basically rice balls. They were wonderful! Well, emily-chan's was because she had made them before. You see in order to make onigiri you have to cook the rice and then make it into a ball (or any shape you prefer) when the rice is still very very VERY hot. First you dip your hands in salt water so the rice doesn't stick to your hands. That would have been fine except for I had shaved some skin off of my finger two days ago in an attempt to stuff two floor mats into my work's dishwasher. Yes, I cut myself on a dishwasher. That's how prone to injury I am. So anyway, after 30 seconds or so, the cut began to sting from the salt water. Then the hot-as-hades rice added to the pain as it burned my hand. I ended up doing more tossing with the rice rather than rolling it lol, yelling "HOT HOT HOT!" as I did. I got hot rice everywhere. I'm sure you can imagine the spectacle. Emily-chan and my sis sure got a giggle out of that one. They laughed even harder when they saw my finished product: a sorry excuse for a lump of rice spread all over the plate lol. Oh well, I had a lot of fun eating it, and I chuckle inside when I think about how I must have looked making my sad little rice ball lol. Onigiri is now one of my new favorite foods, but I think I'll leave it up to someone else to make it next time. .

On a different note, I also looked at some of emily-chan's art books. She somehow acquires all of these amazing art books that not only show you how the pros color their pictures, but also a lot of pictures by different and random artists from Japan (mostly). They are really quite inspiring. I found myself liking all the odd and more simple ones. Don't get me wrong, the detailed ones and colorful ones are incredible, I envy the artists who can draw and color like that. However, to me, most of them are just a pretty picture. What my eyes really got attracted to were the weird ones. Not the weird, dark ones, but just the weird ones. Pictures that were something more than the skanky elf princess fighter or the innocent little angel with the blonde/pink hair. One of the artists that really popped out was one named Shunpei. He is extremely hard for me to find, but I am in love with his art. It's incredibly unique.

The art is very inspiring to me because I want to aspire to make original and unique art with the very "cliche" style of drawing characters that I have. I have been considering this for a while, and hopefully I can come out with some of my attempts soon. The first one was my Psalm 1:1-3 picture I think, anywhoo, most of my inspiration is coming from fashion magazines (surprise surprise), Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Hana Kimi, and now Shunpei. I'll be on the lookout for other artists though.

Sorry to put you all through such a long post! Here's a Shunpei picture that I managed to find enjoy!
[The uploader won't upload the Shunpei pic I found for you guys, so I'll try to post it on my Humorists section.
Have fun Otaku-ing!!!!!