Welcome to my little corner of The Otaku!

Let me introduce myself. I sign my art as "Kasey-chan", so feel free to call me that. My interest in drawing started when my sister and I went down to the book store and we discovered How-To-Draw-Anime books. It took off from there.
When I'm not scribbling away I am pursuing work in theatrical properties, spending way too much time on Netflix, watching too much TV, and wishing radioactive waste really did give people superpowers.

Here's some of my favorite things :).

Anime: Miyazaki's works, Tokyo Godfathers, Astro Boy (2003)
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin and Hana Kimi
American Cartoons: Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Venture Brothers, Gravity Falls, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
TV Shows: Merlin (BBC), Firefly, Mystery Science Theater 3000
Movies: The Secret of Kells, The Adventures of Tintin, X-Men: First Class, The Iron Giant, Muppet Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, RoboGeisha, Sharktopus
Books: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey,Jane Eyre
Colors: Green!
Superheroes: Batman and Spiderman

Art Trades and Requests

I'm pretty much up for anything except yaoi/yuri. PM me .

My Almost Day Off

Well I only have a few chores and playing around with my Macbook to keep me busy untill about 4:00 today when I go to the last performace of our school play. Right now I am so tired and don't feel like doing much, the play really took it out of me yesterday. Tommorow I'm going to be a zombie lol. At least I don't have any homework this weekend.
Anyways, despite how much it wears me out, I could do the play like 10 more times! It is unbeleivably fun to do. It's also so nice to get laughs from the audience. I really enjoy getting into character and enjoying my life as Cecily Cardew lol.
Other than the play, I managed to post a new fan art up just a few minutes ago. It's a Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei fan art with Sensei and Kafka in it. The pic is sort of my plea for some otaku to get on subbing Zuko Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, I miss that series so much!
In other anime news, my sister and I had our latest Eureka 7 marathon the other day. Usually i don't go for the more mainstream anime's (like Naruto and Bleach) or anime's with over 30 or so episodes (because they generally aren't as good). However, Eureka 7 is one acception to those rules, its acctually very good and I enjoy watching it. Adding to my surprise attraction to this anime is the fact that it's a gundam/meccha typ anime (like people flying around in giant robots). I usually don't like those but this one is acctually pretty interesting. Some episodes are better than others but it's a good series all around. It can beat Ouran High School Host Club or Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei though .
Well I should probably get some of those chores done. Hopefully I can find time to come aorund and visit everyone tommorow! seeya all later!
Have fun otaku-ing!

P.S: I put up a picture of Legolas because I've got 2 of those LOTR spoof comics that are ready to be edited and photoshopped. keep an eye out for those.

Play Night and the Glorious Macbook

First off I just want you all to know that I am typing on the shiney keyboard of my wonderfu new Macbook Pro . I had a few problems starting it up and am still getting used to the Mac vs. PC. However, I am in love with it. It's so beautiful! lol.
On an another exciting topic tonight is PLAY NIGHT!!!! I am so excited! However, I have to get a shower and get ready to go there, I have to be there at 4:30 so this post will have to be a quickie. I hope I'll have time to catch up with the O ver the weekend.
wish me luck!
have fun otaku-ing!

The Weekend and Such

Well I was looking over my posts and realized I haven't posted since last saturday. So for my otaku friends who keep up with my life, I thought I had better make another one. Hopefully I'll be posting more, but since it's two weeks untill the school play I've been pretty preoccupied with that and have been on Otaku less. So the play is comeing along all right, though I find myself speaking in a British accent more often nowaadays lol. It seems like everywhere I go I think about the play, We went to see Peter Pan done ny another school last night. It was pretty cool because they hooked the actors up on wires to make them fly. But I just kept thinking, what if we did that for our play. "The Importance of Being Earnest on Air", can you just imagine?! lol. My sister and I conjured up images of 1700-1800's dressed English people flying around on stage saying things like "cucumber sandwiches!" "bread and buttter!" and "tea and cake!". lol.
So besides that I acctually got some art stuff done. I posted up a pic of Shadow Link from Super Smash Brawl or Twilight Princess (either or)that I drew for my one friends birthday. Consequently, I'm at his party right now and guess what we're playing?! Super Smash Brawl lol. Well, of course I'm not playing. I'm taking advantage if his unused laptop. So I'll answer PMs and stuff now.
have fun otaku-ing!

My Adventures In Washington DC

I have a few Otaku friends who aren't from America so if you read my title and wondered what Washington DC was, it's America's capital. You probably already know that but I wanted to tell you in case you didn't. Anyway, right next to the White house is a long street with a bunch of Meuseums on it called "The Mall". Why it's called that I have no clue, but anyway, that's where we sent most of our day. However, we started our going to the Holocoust Meuseum which is about a mile or so away from the Mall. We went there first because if you got there early enough you get free tickets to see the main exhibit. That meuseum was one of the best, and ironically the most depressing, museums I have ever been to. The main exhibit took up four or three floors of the building. It took us through the various styages of the Holocoust and all the atrocities that occourred. There were many vivid, disturbing pictures and even a model of the captured Jews being led to the gas chamber, then taking thier clothes off, then getting asphyixiated in the gas chambers, then being creamated. It was so heart wrenching and thought provoking. I started wondering how one human being could ever, ever do that to another human being. Thw holocoust was a very good example about what can happen when we start de-valuing human life. It was certianly an eyeopener.
Well, enough of the depressing stuff! After that we went the the Smythsonian Museum of Natural History. That was amazing. We saw tons of stuffed mammals, ranging from girrafes to vampire bats. We saw a small insect zoo and some butterflies too. My favorite section was the gems and minerals section. I have always had this facsination for shiny, sparkly things in pretty colors lol. Then we saw Prehistoric Monsters of the Deep in Imax 3D. That was a ton of fun! Basically it took up through the life (theroetical life) of a small water dinosuar and the dangers and wonders it encountered on it's migration. I usually hate 3D but that one was pretty awesome ^-^. All I did was take my glasses off when the big carnivourous sea dinosuar with the big teeth came around.
Well that pretty much sums it up. As for today, I was in play practice all day, so I just wanted to get on quick now before I started my chores. Hope to visit you all and comment on anything you might post later. Oh ya, I put up one f my fav. chobits pics for you all, enjoy!
have fun otaku-ing!

The Remainder of Easter Break

It's my last day of break today *sigh* I really wish it wasn't over. I was having such a relaxing time! A lot of good things happened, I got a lot of schoolwork done, although I didn't complete my Internship paper, which is consequently the longest one. In my defense it was break, and I had already done two other reports. Also, I just felt like goofing off which isnt exactly the most legitamite reason but it was the biggest reason lol.
So I went to my music teachers wedding yesterday to sing in the girls chior, which was so much fun . I got to hang out with a lot of girls that I usually don't, so I guess that added to my socilization a bit. Anyway we sang Ave Maria and Panis Angelicus. Ave Maria was sung at the very beginning of the ceremony before my teacher came out, thank the lord! That wasn't our best song, but anis Angelicus sounded awesome and that was after they were married so it was really the only song that mattered. Then we got to go to the reception with awesome food! lol. So my day yesterday was a fun one.
Anime wise my sis and I found a new one ! Anyone ever hear of the Tales of Symphonia game? Well, my sis found an name for it. So far we only have four epidoes, but we're looking out for more. Anywhoo, we were estatic!! We just discovered the game and are playing it with my friend who acctually knows what he's doing lol. So finding the anime was pretty awesome. I advise you to check it out if you can find it .
In other anime news, Zuko Sayonara Zetsubou Episode 5 hasn't come out yet, I'm going on Zetubou Sensie withdraw lol.It's a bummer .

Drawing wise, I have like 6 new pictures to post. And believe me, they would be posted by now HAD OTAKU NOT PUT UP THAT MORONIC SUBMITTING LIMIT!!!!!! Well look out for them as the pop up ONE A DAY.
thats frustrating, but they don't have a similey face for frustrated, I suppose the Otaku people figured no one would need it....I think the missed something.

Oh ya! guess who's singin the opening for the Olympics this year in Bejing?!? I don't know ifg any of you are S.H.E. fans but I happen to be a big one and was estatic to find out they would be singing!!!!! Ahhh! I'm so excited! I had t put this pic up in honor of that