Be Awed and Amazed: I Submitted Art.

So for the first time in a very long time, I got a picture out! And there is another one soon to follow. I will probably have a butt load of pictures coming out in August when my theatre job ends. Sadly, right now we are trying to do Hello Dolly in a week (stupendous) and until it opens I will not have any time whatsoever for anything else. yes. can't wait. So just wanted to let you all know. I hope to be a little more active on this site in the near future.
here's a fun pic. this series rocks my socks off.

oh and check out my BRAND NEW WORLD!!!! It's an original fantasy/adventure story written by myself and my two room mates! please take time to read and let me know what you think! enjoy!

have fun otaku-ing!
