Huzzah! A Submission!

Three Cheers for the procrastinator who posted her first submission since about three months ago!!!!! I hope you all get a chance to check it out.
So not much else has happened since yesterday when I last posted. It's been pretty rainy here but that's okay because I love the rain. *goes into British accent* Pray don't talk to me about the weather Mr.Worthing, whenever people start talking to me about the weather I feel quite certain that they mean something else, and that makes me so nervous!* lol sry, the school play has been officially engrained into my brain lol.
Well not much else is "going down" here so I'll go around and see whats happening with all my Otaku "peeps" lol.
here's an Ouran pic for you, becasue I just watched this episode and it humored me immensly lol. oh ya, sry about that huge orange zetsubou girl, I didn't realize I put that one up

have fun Otaku-ing!
