I got another submission posted!

I just posted another Lord of the Rings spoof comic. Please check it out when it pops up.
Well, I only have 3 more class days left of school! It's wierd because I have conflicting feelings of excited to be done and a sadness that it's all almost over. I guess that's pretty normal, no one wants to say goodbye to friends. However, I don't think I'll completley loose contact with all of them. A lot of my good friends will probably keep in touch. I plan to write letters to them because it is my firm belief that letters are more personal and heartfelt that electronic methods of communication (email, IM, etc.).
Well I won't dwell on that, it's sort of depressing me. So I'll go around and see what everyone else is up to ^-^.
I give you another Ouran Pic

have fun Otaku-ing!
