Editing and New Categories

So last night I got a ton of editing done and another LOTR spoof comic completely finished . I'll post that up as soon as my mother gets off the computer. I also hope I get a fan art posted. It seems the no matter how many I get edited I always have more coming! I already have 4 pictures that I want to finish and scan! Getting all of these done is really important because I want to show my sketchbook as part of my senior graduation display. It is my goal to get as many pictures in it as I can. Plus, I really need to get some of these puppies done, they've been waiting to get finished for a couple months now (eh heh). So hopefully I'll accomplish a lot today.
Another exciting thing that's happened is that theOtaku has added new categories (huzzah!). AAAAAAANNNNNDDDDD they added Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei!!!!!!!!! Although, they spelled the name wrong...they spelled it as Zetsubo. That sort of ticked me off but the girl (or guy) who came up with the category said that that's how they spelled it on fan sites and stuff. Those fans must not have payed close attention while watching the anime because it definitely is spelled Zetsubou. That makes me a little mad but not enough to cause a huge hoot and holler over the whole shpeil. Besides, it's a category now so thats really all that matters. Oh ya, they also added +Anima too, which is a manga my brother actually found recently. It's actually not bad. The characters are sort of generic except for one. So thats cool.
On another topic, my sister and I have been looking up tiwanese dramas latley, specifically ones involving Jiro Wang . We found one called KO One. Its about a bunch of punk superheroes or something, I'm really excited to see it! Does anyone know about this one? If so, please give a review!!!
Well thats all for now, be on the lookout for my comic and perhaps a fan art.
And on the momentous occasion of having ZETSUBOU added as a category, you guys really can't expect any other picture than a Zetsubou one!

have fun Otaku-ing!
