Life Update

Hello All! Sorry I haven't been on for the past couple of days, but our internet hasn't been working for a few days! I was pleasantly surprised when I finally got back, however, when I saw how many comments my last two submissions made. Not like it's a popularity thing, I just love reading what people have to say. Comments are my Otaku life's joy lol. Okay so I will definitely get another art up today , and pretty soon. I'm also DUH DUH DUH...FINALLY I am editing some old comic pages. I hope to get ICC completely edited to the end of the chapter and I have 1 MnA page to do. Both of them are editing nightmares because did a terrible job inking them. When I started to edit them last night, all I could think was "Holy Crap! How did I keep this up for 15 (MnA) and 35 (ICC) pages?!". In the future, I will definitely ink those pages better lol.
So I'd better get started! I'll show you an Ouran pic because I've been re-watching that recently
