The day before I graduate

Tomorrow I officially graduate from high school! yay! I'm so excited for college! I spent my last day as a senior with my sister and two very good friends. we went out for breakfast and looked at tattoos online. We're all hoping to get a tattoo together over the summer. All of us want to do something with teacups ^-^. This is because all of us became close while going to the Jane Austen society meetings together! I don't know if I want a quote or not, but I have a few options just in case. I'll let you guys pick ur favorite! These are all quotes of Jane Austen from one of her books or her letters.

1. "The world is full of mortifications, and to endure, or to sink underneath them, makes all the distinction between the noble or the weak minded."(oneof my favs)
2. "May I ask wether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study?" (another one of my favs, from Lizzie Bennet to Collins in pride and pred.)
3. "Is not general incivility the very essence of love?"
4. "Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship never does"
5. "One man's ways may be as good as anothers, but we all like our own best"(another fav)
6. "LIfe seems but a quick succession of busy nothings."

Those were my favs! I hope you enjoy that. I really admire Jane Austen's wit lol she makes me laugh.Oh hey, would you like to see my tattoo design? I'm drawing up a sketch, so I'll post it when I'm done so you can all see it ^-^.
Well aside from Jane Austen loveliness, I'm so happy to see that people are looking at my newly posted comics and art!!! Although, I noticed that my comic pages were being stretched out, does anyone know why that is? It didn't used to do that.
well I've got some stuff to do so seeya! I guess I'll do a Yu Gi Oh Abridged series pic (well icon actually lol).

have fun Otaku-ing!
