Missions Trip Tommorow

So I only have one full day at home between vacation and my missions trip tomorrow, it's a busy month! I have a bit of time now so I wanted to make a longer post. Our vacation was really fun, we went to the Shenandoah mountains in Virginia. It was really beautiful up there! We got a lot of hiking in, there were wild blueberries growing on the top of this one mountain. They were pretty good for having just ripened. We also went to an indoor water park they had there. It was a pretty cool place, my favorite part was the water slides they had in there. They had a bunch of tube slides, it was really neat how they put those in there. My little brother didn't want to leave lol.
Well, now I'm back and anticipating my missions trip to New Orleans. Only three other kids are going. I'm excited for that because it's going to be a good bonding time for all of us and I'll get to know a girl that I don't really know all that well.
Okay so I was reading a post/essay thing on OC's the other day. Not all of it cuz it was 10 or so pages, but I do want to read a lot of it. Anyway, I thought the author made a lot of really good points and pointed out a lot of problems with how people make OC's and fan characters on this site. I think it's still there, but it' pretty good so I'd read it. It's by marcuswolf or something like that.
Well now I'm going to see what you all are up to!

have fun Otaku-ing!
