I'm Back!!!!!!!

Hello All! I have finally returned from NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) and I had an absolutely amazing experience down there. We mostly worked with the children, who were all precious and adorable, which was draining yet so fulfilling. So now I'm back, and I'm happy to be home, but at the same time I really miss NOLA. I feel as if we could have done more...but then again I feel like that after every missions trip.
So I'm back, and I have to work soon so this post won't be half as long as I'd like it to be. Whats been going on here? I'll have to check up with everyone after I come home.
Oh yes, mewmewlover55, I tried to change the tag on my submission, but I don't know if it worked or not. I'm glad you liked it ^-^.
See you all later! Here's a cute Ouran pic.

have fun otaku-ing!
