I wouldn't call myself a patient person, it's a flaw I've realized and am working on. But, PLEASE Legend of Korra, come out with episodes faster! Or somebody leak them out sooner. I demand my awesome bending-packed children's television program! Once I see more of the series and get a better feel for the characters, I'll hopefully be posting some fan art. But that won't happen until more comes out *hint hint Nickelodean*
Also I just realized that I pronounce it "Nickelonean" and not "dean". I've been doing that ever since I learned about that channel. Wow.
So other things that need to come out are Merlin Series 5, The Avengers, The Hobbit, and that stupid Artemis Fowl movie that they've needed to make for like 10 yrs now! Patience! Yargh!
And that concludes my rant.
So in other news the weather is lovely and I don't feel like doing anything :). Spring is great!
So here's the image of the day. Did anyone ever watch this movie and get as freaked out as I did?!
Impatience is my Anti-Virtue