
Well my manga is sort of getting delayed. Well the cover art anyway. This is al due to work, a cousins wedding, and Northanger Abbey. Ah! Wonderful Northanger Abbey. Yes, believe it or not, I am acctually reading a book lol. I figured that I should have at least read one Jane Austen book, since I'm in the society and all. So far, the book is acctually pretty good. Well its Jane Austen, what can you expect. I love the satirical tone it has and MR.TILNEY!!!! lol. He's sooo heroic. So anyway, I'll try to keep up with this new manga. I have some character developing to do yet, so it might be a little longer before I post pages.
Okay, so I have to do chores now, funfun.
heres another Shunpei pic.

have fun Otaku-ing!
