take jughandles, for example. Why won't you just let me turn left, New Jersey?!? Take me back to Amishville Central Pennsylvannia where things make sense! Sigh. Just two more months and then I get to live in a new state. And I'm not exactly sure which particular one, I'm still working on housing for my fall job. Oh life, y u so bothersome?
In other news I got new Micron Pens, blender pen, lightweight sketching pencil, and "6 Shades of Grey" artist pens (which I'd be posing like a French girl with, but unfortunately I'm short 44 shades). So hopefully if I ever get motivation to write, I can begin this comic. In the meantime I have a bunch of other things to be working on, like the Pay if Forward challenge arts and some art inspired from other challenges.
In the meantime, I got to go on a mini-vacation to DE to see some family, which was quite lovely and relaxing. Going back to work wouldn't have been half as bad if it hadnt been for this oppressive heat that's been plaguing the area for the past couple of days. It's that kind of heat where its hard to breathe sometimes. I'm praying for some serious thunderstorms tonight.
Well it's been a while since i checked up on people, so I'll go do that.
here's ur postly pic :) This is why I like dogs.
have fun otaku-ing!