Hang on a Second. . .

I was featured?! I just read that my one post from Failtastick Fandoms was featured back in October. . . Whhhhyyyyyy wasn't I messaged about that?! Haha Whhyyy did I just read that now. Feeling pretty dumb, but still kind of happy :).
Also, I posted more art again today FINALLY. I feel like "FINALLY!" should be my motto for this site *sigh*. I've been so terribly busy with work this year and haven't had much time at all to do art on the side. But I when I have a few hours and inspiration I do it whenever I can. I also have been slowly but surely working on my comic. Don't hold your breath for that one. With the art style I have in mind for it, it's gonna take a looong time for me to actually have something. However, it's nice to be working on it.
So some quick life updates, work is very time consuming, I got a summer job which is super special awesome, and my sister has officially moved to Japan to teach English over there. All very big life changes, but life is still good and I am looking forward to not being an intern anymore so I can have enough money to eat real food again. Yay!
Well I hope to get around to people and maybe to a post in Failtastick Fandoms as a super late celebration. Maybe tomorrow. Until then, have a chuckle through this HI-larious meme.

have fun otaku-ing!
