Another Lazy Sunday

Well its the last Sunday before school starts here for all the little kiddies. I already called dibs on taking my little brother to school tomorrow. At the moment, I am anticipating my own first day of school. Now its just a lull period at home. My sis and friends have all gone to school and Im the only one here. It's pretty frickin boring. However, the anticipation of college keeps me going. Also the waiting for the arrival of my online ordered books and Fahrenheit poster. Especially the Fahrenheit poster. .
Today I'll probably draw another LOTR comic and finish up a fan art that's been a round for a while. I have the time. I finished two of them the other day and I got a fan art up ate yesterday, so please check it out!
Also I found a new Jiro Wang drama! Currently, it's being faithfully torrented. That and Wu Chun's "Hot shot". A, Jiro's drama is called "Rolling Love" if any of you want to check it out. I'm also torrenting a drama called Smiling Pasta. I liked it when I watched it, but never finished it. I also want to get The X Family and Corner with Love. On top of that I have a lot of anime's to download before college. At least I got Eureka 7 out of the way. lol, my computer is going to be very busy this week lol.
heres an icanhascheezburger pic ^-^.

have fun Otaku-ing!
