That's How I Roll

Well, big news, I actually started ICC back up!!!! Yay, for those of you who may be new (though I'm pretty sure there aren't many of those who comment on my posts lol) ICC is my fan manga Iron Cross Contract. for Moriko No Akakonami...maybe next semester lol. Anyway, Im super siked to be doing ICC! I already started the first two pages and I hope to have at least three pages done by monday. I'll try to do as many as I can tonight whilst I stay up late watching Family Guy (if I can find it).
So college is going great. I spend quite a bit of time in the theater but I really love it, so it's not bad. The only time I was rather bitter about play practice was last night when I MISSED THE OFFICE PREMIERE! AND JIM PROPOSED TO PAM!!!!! HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT?!? Yea, so I'll be watching that episode online very very very soon.
Oh, and for all of you who asked, my play is called "This Just Might be The Ride of You're Life". It's a pretty cool show, I can't wait. I only have like 5 line though, the rest of my scenes are in mime lol. Yup, I'm a mime, though a pretty inexperienced one (eh heh). Well, I'm working on that and I'll do my best. It's nice to only have 5 lines to memorize though. The play is really artsy fartsy so we have cool lights, marimabas, a saxaphone, elevated stages, and dance moves ^-^. So even though it's a bit *snap snap* poetry night at the coffee house *snap snap*, the art of it and the awesome writing of the previous students really makes it a show worth seeing.
Yup so we read Hamlet in my dramatic lit class and I decided to draw Ophelia's Ghost. I was laughing to myself while reading the actual play because I kept thinking, "Alas, poor Yorrik, I knew him...IN AMERICA!" and "Poor King Hamlet didn't stand a GHOST of a chance!" lol. Yu Gi Oh Abridged gets me every time ^-^.
Well, I have to get going to practice
here's a theater-related icanhascheezburger pic. ^-^.

have fun Otaku-ing!
