The Past Two Weeks 0.o

Wow it has been quite a while since I updated on this site!
Well, I got to go home for the past few weekends, which was like a breath of fresh air. I got to see my cousins for their birthday party, even though it's wasn't technically their birthdays. So seeing the family was a lot of fun. I also got to visit my friend's school and my sister's school They had a homecoming parade and my sister was in the float. It was pretty cute, all of the floats were themed after popular board games. ^-^. I got candy, it was a lot of fun.
Yup so my life at school has been going okay. I haven't had a super huge load of work so far, so I've had more relax time, which is very important for my sanity lol. Sad to say though that I haven't had much time for art. My sis and I are drawing a huge Avatar: The Last Airbender poster for my brother this year. Since it's currently in my dorm, I'm the one who gets pestered to work on it. Finally I got some inspiration. However, I really want to draw my fav. band, Fahrenheit, for Otaku as my Halloween pic. I have some cool ideas, so be looking out for that one.
As for more campus life I've been going to the anime club here. It's okay, we're watching wolfs reign and genkinshien (sry i cant spell or say it). Wolf's Reign is actually kind of interesting. Genkeinshin on the other hand is really really boring. I keep watching it under some delusion that it could possibly get interesting, but no dice. I don't recommend this anime to any one.
so that's all folks ^-^

have fun otaku-ing!
