And That's the way the Cookie Crumbles

Hello All!
Well, I managed to post a fan art! I've been working on it while watching the play. So I guess I haven't really been watching it at all ^-^. Hey, you wouldn't want to watch a Checkov play 8 times too! Anywhoo, I have another fan art on the way. Ying and Yang. I actually tried coloring it once, but it really didn't work out, so I'm starting over.
Yea, so life has been busy. The prof.s are trying to fit in a lot before break, and I'm trying to get ahead on it he work so I don't have anything to do. I'll probably have to do that anyway...sigh. Hey, at least it's the last day I have to be House Manager for this droll little play. Checkov is so depressing, man. So basically I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for break.
And Little Kuriboh FINALLY came out with another Yu Gi Oh Abridged episode!!! Hurrah! Go Ineffectual Minor Character Man!
I'm also discovering the joys of online shopping. I'm doing Christmas shopping for my sister online and so far it's been fun. I got some kewl things.
Yup, so thats all I have to report.

have fun otaku-ing!
