The Wands and the Wings

Okay, so I'm doing an update on my Christmas break. It's been a really relaxing past week and a half. It's so nice to not have anything to do for once, I'll be sort of sad to see that go. However, I do get pretty bored sometimes, so it will be nice to go back to college and have something to preoccupy my time 24/7. Yup so we went down to DE for a little winter vacation with my mom, aunt, cousin, sister, and our dogs. That was really relaxing! And surprisingly, I wasn't all that bored. WE did a lot of shopping on the main avenue and then at the outlet which were a little more inland. I got a lot of cool stuff. I got a little tea kit half price! Yes! It has a wooden tray, cream and sugar bowl, teacup with a lid for seeping convenience, a tray for the used tea bag, and like 10 sampler teas. It's so awesome! And then we went to a nearby beach to tour around the old historic section of it. It is the first town established in DE, so there were a lot of cool old houses. Yup and yesterday we had the whole family over for hogmaugh ( i think that's how you spell it). If any of you don't know what that is, it's stuffed pigs stomach. It's the best food in the world!! mmmmmmm. Yup so now I'm waiting for a few t-shirts that i ordered online to come. They're supposed to come today!!!!
Ah yes, as far as art goes, I didn't bring my scanner home so I can't really get more stuff scanned and posted. That has to be done when I get back to school. But I am drawing stuff! I assure you! So that's up.

have fun otaku-ing!
