Well, tonight is closing night for our show, and this week is the last week of serious classes. The weather is also warmer and I got a sunburn the other day. It's really hitting me that school is almost over! And for once in my life, I kind of wish I could stay. I will dearly miss all of my theatre friends. Just having people to wait up for me to go somewhere, play games and watch movies with, and be there to make sure I don't eat dinner alone has made such an impact on me. Not to mention I won't be doing any acting over the summer. I wish our college did a summer season or something like that.
However, I will still be involved in the theatre this summer, but not acting. I'll be doing a theatre shop job. This means I'll be building, painting, setting up, and striking sets. Maybe run crew too. I'll be the first to admit I am not the best talent in a shop situation, but I still love it. There's always good, honest work to be done and I always feel that I accomplished something at the end of the day. Plus I'll learn so many skills that will help my outside the theatre realm. Also, I get to be around theatre people all summer! My favorite kind!
Unfortunately this job may distract me from my art, but I'll try my best to keep it up. Lately, I've been really focused on characters that are outside of the generic labels and stereotypes. Also on backgrounds and environments. Hopefully I can find time to develop my skills.
Yup, so in other art news, I submitted a mascot for the NYC contest. He probably won't win, I just wanted to go for something different. I was going to submit more, but I just couldn't go more generic. I was at a total loss for ideas! There was nothing I could think of with a chance of winning that wasn't something along the lines of a big boobed magical girl, vampire, elf, angel, etc. No interesting designs at all. So because I was not having any fun whatsoever on the contest, I decided to drop it. What's the point if you don't enjoy what you're drawing?
Yup so this was a long post. I have a pic I'm working on and will try to get it up soon!
have fun otaku-ing!