Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

So this will be my last post from my college room! I go home tomorrow and began packing yesterday. My room is so empty now, excluding the pile of crap i have on my room mate's empty bed (she moved out friday). It's so dreary and lonely looking in here. My friends and I are hanging out one last time tonight, the thought that I'll be away from them all summer has really started to hit me. I'm getting a bit depressed and have really started soaking up every minute I'm with them and cherishing the time. It's so weird to think that in not two days they will be in other states. Well, at least most of them, but the others will be too far away in my own state to meet up, except for one of them. But I'll have no life until august! AH! Theatre has taken my soul! Anyway, my friends have sold their souls as well and have been really busy. So I haven't seen much of them. Well, I drew a fun pic, s maybe I'll photoshop that and post it by the end of tom. Look out for it! I wish you all a happy summer!
adam west totally stuffs his costume. it's terrible.

have fun otaku-ing!
