ALMOST 100!!!!

Hello All!
Well, it's been a pretty eventful week, I almost had a legit summer haha. My college friends came up to visit and my sister came back from Japan(she's a Japanese major) all in the same day!!!!! It was one of the best days of my life ^_^. Yes, so despite my sister's jet lag and my friend's long hard drive up to PA, we went to go see my other friends play. He doesn't have a major part in it or anything, but we all wanted to see it anyway. God had other plans. It started raining like 5 minutes into the show, and it got called off. Meh. But we ended up going back to the hotel and just goofing off anyway, which was nice. I enjoyed interacting with everyone together. So tomorrow it's back to work again. sigh. At least it's theatre work, though, which makes it a whole heck of a lot better than if it were a normal job.
So in other news, I have almost 100 subscribers!!!!!!! It may not sound like a big deal to some people, but I really appreciate every single person who likes my art enough to subscribe. It makes me want to draw even more. Thanks guys...even though maybe two of you will actually read this. haha.
well here's an amusing picture.

have fun otaku-ing!
