I Swear I'm Alive.

So I haven't updated for a long time. Honestly, I haven't had much time for art either. No, I have been thrown into the wonderful world that is summer stock. At Gretna, that's 6 shows (all but one musicals) and a concert spread out over the course of three months. I have been dubbed Master Painter, though this past week, Ive been Prop Master. And Gretna doesn't pay for my gas. huzzah. Yup, so for the past week I've been running around trying to find 45 american flags, fake food, playing cards, chairs, desks, beds, and a very elusive ventriloquist dummy. So that has been my life. Not much to report that would interest any of you I suppose.
I desperately want to draw fan art and perhaps a manga, though that will have to wait until august.
In other fun, exciting news, THE LAST AIRBENDER TRAILER IS OFFICIALLY UP ON APPLE!!!!! Yes! I think it will turn out good, though since I'm such a fan, I think I'll be over critical. I'm still geek-ing out over the trailer though.
well, I haven't much time.
here's a fun pick, I always wondered this when I watched the show.

have fun otaku-ing!
