Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

I think my arm just died...

What did I do tonight instead of write a post/write a note/play my violin/draw my comic/all that good stuff?

I learned the Caramelldansen.



If Life Had Background Music


Play this music. Whatever you're doing, it becomes twenty times more epic.

I have legit replayed this ten or so times... (clicks replay) Eleven.

This is what I aspire to play on the violin. This is amazing.

It woke me up, too...I was legit dead tired and ready to fall asleep...It was another bad day today...Not so much at school as afterwards, though. But my violin lesson helped a bit, and now THIS. <3 New iPod song to blast tomorrow.

Right! I might do that OotRH post tonight if I'm not too tired...I have another fanart to put up, and I want to do that first ^^; I keep promising this post...well, I feel like less of an RP whore with all my delays, maybe?

OKAY. I'll ask again with a bit more detail. Anyone know any good literary characters to be the boyfriend of my character Cassius? Cassius is from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. He and all of his friends, including major crush Brutus, were all killed at the end of the play. However, because of the complicated way the Book world works (OotRH ftw!), he came back. No one else did. And he never really got over it, and he's super depressed and suicidal. So yeah, ton of baggage. Oh, and did I mention that he can't stand touching? Like, holding hands is it. Hug him, and his brain kinda goes haywire.


I create some messed up characters...

Alright, I'm gonna go now, see if I can get that post done tonight. Tata~!


Yay for being Semi-Single!


Happy Singles Awareness Day!

...You know...I've been going all day thinking I've smelled and being really self-conscious...I just realized it was the "newly printed and first-time-worn" t-shirt smell from my shirt...

I designed a Valentine's shirt to support cancer research, and people who bought them were allowed to wear them around school today. They have Iago on them!! But shhhhh, that's actually a secret... XD I can't just create characters on a whim, so I had to use one of mine that already existed...Which wouldn't be a problem, except I chose the former-sociopath...

Oh, Valentine's Day plans for my characters? I dunno...Didn't put much thought into it, really ^^;

I guess Cass and Iago went out to a cafe for lunch or something. They're not a big "romantic" couple, so it probably was just a regular day really ^^; I just realized I could see them chilling together in a Panera Bread or something...

Fujian and Damien are the exact opposite. They probably had a fancy dinner or something, and Fujian probably filled the house with candles or rose petals or some other misc. romantic item...Paper lanterns are actually his favorite XD (Yes, he decorates the house on probably a monthly, sometimes weekly basis...)

And Matt and Cassius probably sulked! I dunno. Poor Cassius has no one...His crush died four hundred some years ago ^^; SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA FOR A BOYFRIEND FOR HIM ALREADY.

I myself? It was like a normal day, except I brought in candy and gave it to people. Ugh, I'm actually still behind on Valentine's Day things... (headdesk) Oh and basically got asked to a movie by a creepy guy who doesn't know how to take a hint. But that's okay, I'm actually kinda used to it. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. See, it wouldn't be so bad if he would just come out and ask me on a date cuz then I could just refuse and he'd get the picture. But when he asks, he never specifies it'll be just the two of us, even though he obviously wants it that way, so I can't flatout refuse. Instead, I say I have babysitting jobs to do!

Right...more drawings...but I'm really tired...



Oh my GOD

Sometimes I just don't even know anymore.



Differences in Actions between Damien and Myself

Scenario: Someone insults you to your face.
What I Do: Play it off like it's nothing.
What Damien Does: Shoots back a much snarkier insult and/or kicks insultor in the shin.

Scenario: Someone ignores you in a class.
What I Do: Pretend I'm not being ignored and try to think about something else.
What Damien Does: Takes a heavy book and whacks the person ignoring him upside the head with it, then proceeds to yell at them for being an inconsiderate asshole.

Scenario: You feel incredibly upset.
What I Do: Hold it inside and pray someone notices.
What Damien Does: Finds his best friend and demands comfort food immediately.

Scenario: You're too tired to function properly.
What I Do: Attempt to power through so as not to let anyone down.
What Damien Does: Tells the world to suck it and takes a power nap.

Scenario: You spend forever doing something special for someone who does nothing for you in return.
What I Do: Act like it's okay.
What Damien Does: Threatens to stop talking to said person until they start actually being considerate.

Scenario: Someone never texts you back, even if they've promised they would.
What I Do: Get upset and glare at my phone.
What Damien Does: Sends said person an extremely nasty text/very angry phone call and then refuses to talk to them for a week.

Scenario: Your life.
What I Do: Live it constantly trying to please others and consquentially get stepped on myself.
What Damien Does: Kicks ass when needed, offends all the time, beats up everyone, and has the time of his life doing it.

See, I know that Damien's an absolute asshole and everything, but sometimes, sometimes, I wish I was like him. Because then I'd not feel terrible about hurting the feelings of people who've hurt me. Sometimes, all I want to do is take someone by the shoulders and shake them and scream at them. But I can't. Because I'm a nice person.

I've realized why my favorite character I've created is an asshole. It's because I lack the ability to be one.

Alright, I'm done now. Happy early Valentine's Day to everyone, tata~!
