(flails around the room like the rats in Wind Waker)
I am SO frickin excited. Like, insanely excited. I had no idea I would place in a contest, let alone a super popular contest like that one! For those of you who haven't seen it, or seen the massive number of entries, snowfox held a 25 Years of Legend of Zelda contest where, basically, you were allowed to draw any Zelda character from any Zelda game.
There were so many amazing entries...I in no way expected to win anything. I'm so glad!! TT~TT (tears of manly joy)
This is the picture I drew, btw. It's of the Moon Children from Majora's Mask! It's a link to the actual page, go ahead and click on it ^^
Thank you so much, snowfox, if there's any possible chance that you're seeing this XD I get to request a lineart of one or two characters now! I'm thinking Anju and Kafei...what do you guys think?
I'm so happy X3
You should click that!! X3 I'm quite proud of it.
Basically sat around and did nothing all day...I woke up feeling really sick...
I'm in a steampunk mood now...I wish people wore steampunk clothing around so I could actually wear some without looking like a freak TT~TT
Oh! So I'm working on those "Ask My Character" questions and everything, and I have quite a few "done" (not edited/backgrounded on my computer yet). BUT since I'm doing them in chronological order, and I haven't actually drawn the next one yet...Yeah, that's what the hold-up is ^^;
I'm sorry I'm so OCD >////<
I've been having such a Katamari obsession lately...I forgot how fun those games were X3 And how annoying that racecar level in We Love Katamari is...I legit was flying all over the stage...All I wanted to do was pick up one cousin!! TT~TT Anyone else play Katamari?
OKAY. WARNING. GROSSNESS LEVELS COMING UP. Don't read if you're disgusted by bodily stuff and/or blood!!
So I've had a wart for the past month or so now, and it just doesn't seem to want to go away. Right now we're in the middle of a freezing kinda deal for it, but it hasn't really been working. Instead, it made my wart all weird and nasty-looking--picture a sea anemone. I have a mini one on my finger, made of whatever warts are made of.
I, being the idiot that I am, decide that I'm going to play with it to see if I can make it fall off (cuz that's what the freezy stuff said would happen). So I get a hold of one of the "sea anemone tentacle things" and I pull--not hard, mind you. And it plucks out and doesn't hurt or anything.
But then my entire wart starts filling up with blood.
I legit almost had a freakout. Now it hurts >//< I have a band-aid on it...
And while I have that "gross stuff" warning up, I may as well inform you that I think I might have part of a pencil in my wrist.
I highly doubt it, but last week I accidentally stabbed myself in the wrist with a mechanical pencil, and it's scarring up really weird...I hope it goes away... >///<
Funny thing was, I stabbed myself while practicing my Iago monologue. Do I see a connection?
Ugh...I am le tired... XP
Off to sleep now! And by sleep, I mean watch Youtube until 1:00 in the morning!! Tata~!
I want to go home.
The hard part is figuring out where home is.
Because when I'm sitting in my own room, in my own bed, thinking to myself, "I want to go home," something's wrong.
What is home to me? It's not that it's not ...
Read the full post »
((there is a real post at the end of this, btw, if you wanted to skip...))
And it is thought abroad that twixt my sheets he's done my office.
I know not if't be true, but I,
for mere suspicion in that kind,
will do as if for surety.
He holds me well.
The better shall my purpose work on him.
Cassio's a proper man.
Let me see now, to get his place
and to plume up my will in double knavery.
Let's see.
After some time,
to abuse Othello's ear
that he is too familiar with his wife!
He hath a person and a smooth dispose to be suspected,
framed to make women false.
The Moor is of a free and open nature
that thinks men honest that but seem to be so,
and will as tenderly be led by the nose as
asses are.
I have't!
It is engendered!
Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light.
And that (title included) is what I recited for my Shakespeare competition today. Didn't win, but I think I did okay. I messed up a bit but never had to ask for a line, so... Yay? ^^;
SOMEONE DID THE SAME MONOLOGUE AS ME. I WAS SO UPSET. But it's okay because (not to toot my own horn but) I did better than her. I actually put a bit of emotion into mine, you know? Like, actually acted like I DID hate the Moor? Instead of just kinda talking it through? Yeah.
Apparently I was shaking...Well, I KNOW I was shaking, but apparently some super rude people think it's okay to point it the girl I sat behind on stage -_-
I'd love to perform Shakespeare again...not sure when I'd ever get the chance to be Iago ever again though...especially because I AM a girl... TT~TT
I was surprised--one of the people doing the "to be or not to be?" soliliquey (spelling?) today actually knew it was about suicide!! I was shocked! I actually didn't know it was about suicide until we studied Hamlet this year...
So, big thanks to Poland, whose eighth period class convinced their teacher to bring them down to see the competition. Honestly, you can't imagine how happy I was when I saw you. It's really a great thing to have moral support. I know it's really stupid--come on, no one cares about Shakespeare. How could it possibly be THAT important to watch your stupid Shakespeare competition? But Shakespeare, and Iago in particular, really mean a lot to me, and I'm glad you cared enough to come watch me pretend to be a serial killer, even if I was a crappy, scared-senseless, unable to speak properly serial killer. Honestly, if you weren't there, I wouldn't have really had anyone in that audience, and I wouldn't have done half as well as I did.
...well, I'd have had no one except for the random teacher that shouted, "GO (insert name here)" when I got up to speak ^^; I don't even know his name...he's my lunch moderator... >///<
Thanks, too, to my broski-boyfriend! She wasn't there, but she wanted to be! Her eighth period teacher wouldn't let the class go...So I had someone in spirit too!! ^^;
Well, I'm starting to feel shaky and crappy again. I'm gonna sign off then. Tata~!
And beware, my good friends, of jealousy. It is the green-eyed hooker monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on!