Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

Don't Shake the Ice


I got this drink from Canada today...It's a sparkling water called Ice, and it is DELICIOUS. My favorite flavor is orange mango X3 But anyway, I've been so used to drinking juice lately and always shaking it every time I put the lid back on. So I shook the Ice.

Sparkling water is carbonated, guys. -_-

Well, I managed to close the lid in time, so there was no explosion all over my laptop. But seriously. I'm an idiot.

So I promised a PW post tonight, but I think it's gonna have to wait until tomorrow...got a massive headache and a writer's block of doom...

Okay, so I'm super OCD, right? I always put our video games in alphabetical order on our shelf. And my brother always messes it up, never puts them back, and leaves game discs out in the open where they can get scratched. He also leaves game consoles on all night, for multiple nights--that's how he broke MY PS2. Well, after trying to reorganize three or four times tonight, I gave up and legit threw (like, tossed) the games every which way onto the shelf and yelled at him.

...And it's really annoying me because it's so messy...

I felt like I had more to say...

My CassxIago fic is coming along...can't say the same for my novel...

I kinda wanna do confessions for my characters...I see Hetalia roleplayers on Facebook do it all the time...I've already got a confession or two for Iago ^^;

My marker died! The one I use for Iago and Damien's hair!! TT~TT I hope it revives eventually...The two markers that have died before have recovered, but I kinda need this one now...

I'm suddenly on a Paper Mario kick...I had a fanfic/comic thing I wanted to do for that, and I was telling all the ideas to my broski...it makes me want to write it again...

Well, I'm gonna go. I have a few more pictures to draw. Tata~!




Link to yesterday's comic.

Fell asleep...feeling crappy...

Bad day at school...might not have a comic for tonight.

I apologize >//<


Dubstep + Zelda



DON'T DROWN >D (still needs to actually read/watch/whatever Ben stuff...or maybe not...)

And one that's not Zelda but still EPIC.

Sorry to spam you, but seriously. This is some of the best stuff I've ever heard. Tata~!


And btw, Brute, you lost the game.


Kinda ironic that my comic is about alcohol when that's what I'm about to complain about.

I was all excited to go on senior week and everything, and I thought I had an awesome house because I liked most of the people there and I trusted them and there were certain people who I knew...well, THOUGHT I knew...would keep the house dry.

Guess what. The house isn't dry.

Now, you may be saying, just go, UM, and don't drink! Well, a few problems:


2. Do you really think I would place myself in one building with eighteen drunk teenagers? Some of which I'm not particularly friends with, just aquaintances, and others who HATE ME? (Well only one other...) I'm concerned for my life, here!

3. Why am I concerned for my life? It can't be that bad, right? Well, on my mom's senior week, her class valedictorian and good friend got killed by a drunk driver.

I hate teenagers.

I'm ready to yell at the one kid who put me on this list. I thought he was going to be a big force in keeping the place dry. Dammit all...

Anyways, there goes my senior week. The title is an add-on to "Et tu, Brute?", from Julius Caesar.

Well, anyway, pissiness at teenagers aside...I need to get to work on my stupid story... XP I also need an opening for OotRH, because I really can't post until someone else does...

Well now I feel absolutely lovely... -_- Tata, guys.


Oh my god...

I knew it would happen... (headdesk)

I hate myself for not being able to just deal with things and not take it personally....But I can't...

I thought I was better...But today has just been terrible. I legitimately almost cried when my mom ate the french onion soup I thought was for me...and almost cried when I took down my Christmas tree...and now I can't even finish my fanfic or my real book or anything...

I'd very much like to stay home from school tomorrow...very much...

Will someone PLEASE post on OotRH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? So I can have SOMETHING to distract myself?! Because apparently trying to write fanfiction won't work!

...I'm off to watch Zelda or something...and probably have really f*cked up dreams again tonight...

Sorry, I thought these depressing posts were over...YOU KNOW WHAT? I'LL GO FILL IN A MEME AS DAMIEN. :D

