Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

I Don't Even Know What I'm Doing Right Now

Mood: Tired...and sick...
Listening to: Snowbound
Today's Word: Band
Today's Video Game: Toilet Twilight Princess


I just banged my head against the one section of my headboard not covered in pillows.

I briefly considered writing 100 facts about me today...then decided to screw it and go watch NintendoCapriSun LP Twilight Princess...

I have four candles in my room, but two are Christmas candles so I don't keep them open (can't burn them...my mom has terrible allergies) unless it's Christmastime. The two that ARE open are FRENCH vanilla and vanilla LIME. ...Honest, I did not plan that. I swear. O_o

I also can't decide which scent I like better...AM I FRENCH? OR BRITISH? GOD I DON'T KNOW (slams head into bar)

My throat is killing me...And tea won't help because I take my tea with milk...Yeah, yeah, Arthur disapproves, so sue me. I put maple syrup in it too <3

Was just looking at this picture I drew last year of a chibi Damien holding an umbrella...except, the rain was on the inside of the umbrella...That's a somewhat good way to describe how I've been feeling lately....

Then again, though, I adore rain <3 When it started raining today even though the forecast called for sunshine, I was so happy...

I had ANOTHER fanfic idea! I'm going to try to stick with this one, though...I guess I'm gonna put a litle preview here to somewhat bind myself to it. If you don't really care, that's the end of the regular post... ^^;


"Y-you're the first person to come here in a while," said the spirit softly, floating up and down near the entrance to the temple. "I haven't seen anyone since I first arrived a decade ago. Has the same thing that's pulled me here pulled you here as well?"

Arthur tilted his head slightly. "Pulled me here?" he repeated. The spirit nodded.

"The call of the lingering soul," he said. "Did you not hear it?"

Lingering soul...? Arthur wasn't sure what this ghost was talking about. He shook his head, and the spirit's face fell. "Hm...but you have such a strong aura..." he mumbled quietly to himself. "I can't believe you're not...hmm...Then, why...?" He began to mutter inaudibly to himself, and Arthur let out a prolonged sigh. Ghosts were so scatterbrained.

"Look," he said. "I really need to get inside the temple, and I can't be wasting my time out here talking to you, alright?" He adjusted his shoulder cape with a hmph and turned towards the entrance.

"A-ah! ...a-alright," said the ghost in a quiet voice. "It's okay...I'm...I'm used to being here alone anyway. Thanks so much for talking to me at all..." There was a tense silence after that, as if the spirit wanted to add something but didn't. After a few moments of waiting, Arthur walked forward. "Um, wait!"

Of course.

"What is it?" he growled, turning to glare at the ghost. The spirit's face went whiter than it was already.

"Y-you...there's something about y-y-you," he stuttered. "W-would...would you a-at least k-k-keep an eye out...f-for the s-spirit inside? I-I think y-you are the o-o-one..." His voice trailed off, and Arthur's eyes narrowed.

"Whatever," he said as he turned back, heading towards the entrance.


Arthur gave a dismissive wave, ignoring the violet eyes he knew were watching his back recede with despair as he entered the darkness of the temple.


Thanks for reading!! Hopefully it sounds somewhat interesting... Anyways, tata~!


Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground

Mood: Empty
Listening to: Coldplay
Today's Word: Clean
Today's Video Game: Professor Layton


You know that feeling when you want to cry and your body aches and you just feel like absolute shiitake, but you have no idea why? Yeah, that's what I've got right now.

I've never gotten allergies this bad before...I dunno...

Did a fair amount of cleaning in my room today. Hopefully I'll finish the rest of it tomorrow...I have band from nine to three though...great, I'll be miserable through all of that...

Found this adorable drawing that I did of one of the bosses from Okami: Nechku, the Silver Demon, if anyone's played it? I gave him a little top hat and a monocle and this awesome peacoat, but the thing I like best is his posture: it looks like he's leaning back in a sassy kind of way.

Nechku and Lechku were my favorite boss battle from Okami. Giant owls/clocks who could freeze time...while wearing TOP HATS? I'm sold.

Watch Majora's Mask, write fanfiction. Watch Majora's Mask, write fanfiction. ...watch Majora's Mask.




So that Japanese guy who was hitting on me just talked to me over facebook... XD He really wants to meet me...but I'm definitely not able to go to Japan within the next year...and apparently he's going to Sweden...

He's really nice though...even though I think somewhere in there he offered to let me live with him if I went back over...I quickly pointed out that I had a cousin so it was all cool ^^; I'm sure he didn't mean for it to be creepy, he was just trying to be helpful XD He's technically a legal adult according to the States, though, and I'm not yet...I wonder, what's the legal adult age in Japan? I think drinking age is 20...maybe...?

Either way, I don't think a relationship with him is really plausible XD But whatever. How come the only normal guy who's seemed interested in me is across the Pacific? TT~TT

Just felt the need to share that XD GO ON WITH YOUR LIVES, MY FRIENDS!!



Listening to: Cliffs of Dover
Today's Word: PIRATES
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask still XD




If you get that reference, I love you.

I think I have allergies...my nose is stuffy and my throat hurts... XP Well, as long as it's not strep...?


I wanna talk about Majora's Mask!! My favorite sidequest is the Kafei/Anju one. It makes me cry every time. When the two of them say, "We will greet the morning, together!" in the last minutes of the final day, and you're like, "NO NO NO GET OUT OF THERE YOU'RE GONNA BE SQUASHED BY THE MOON OF DOOM NOOOOOOOO"

If you don't know anything about Majora's Mask, that probably made no sense to you XD

I was supposed to scan stuff in today...but then I fell asleep... I've been really sleepy lately...

I JUST HAD A FANFIC IDEA! Not sure if I'll ever use it, though...It's depressing...

So I really really REALLY wanna play Professor Layton and the Unwound Future... (is staring at her "Snuggle" picture of Future Luke that's hanging on the wall)

I need to upload my picture of Nebulos and Fironell!!! I love Nebulos...and Fironell too, but Nebulos always held a special place in my heart as one of the most creative fan characters I've made... Fironell was my fangirl "if one of my favorite pairings had a kid" creations. Everyone has to have at least one, right? XD He's Mimi and Dimentio's kid. And Nebulos is a clone of my fan character Ventris, who is the same species as Dimentio, but Nebulos was injected with DNA from Nastashia to prevent his original DNA from collapsing/imploding what have you. All characters from Super Paper Mario. ^^ I've said it before, I hate the game, but the characters are great!!

Sometimes I think it would be fun to actually write a blog from Mattie's point of view...

Oh, by the way. I love Arthur Kirkland. With all my heart. All the time. Even when he's a pirate. I feel like I haven't said that in a while.

Well, this was a bunch of spaz XD Hope you enjoyed!! Tata~!



Mood: Hungry
Listening to: HetaOni music (Annexe)
Today's Word: Gattaca
Today's Video Game: Majora's Mask again



I am STARVING...but I'm out of ramen... NOESSSSSSSSSSS

Today we watched a movie in school about crazy genetic engineering. It was an okay movie, I guess. They had a "sex scene" (you didn't actually SEE it, but you saw the before and after...)...and a scene of the main guy naked...from the back, but still. Did they look through the movie before showing it in front of high schoolers in a Catholic school? XD

There was a part where the British character said, "We have to get drunk immediately." And of course my broski and I are laughing, because what other Brit do you think we were thinking of? I think it's pretty obvious.

WHAT IS THE NAME OF DAMIEN'S DOG?! I keep forgetting TT~TT Akita or Alekai? Maybe?

I have stuff I really need to scan...hopefully I'll get that done tomorrow, since I'm off due to the strike. I hate this strike, but can it at least last until Tuesday so I can have my Ghibli marathon? Thank you!!

HETAONI MUSIC YES!!! But that means it'll be hard to find a link for you guys... XP SORRY!!

HetaOni makes me want to play escape games...

I'm off to find food!! Tata~!
