Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY

I Think I Swallowed a Knife....


Finally, comics!! Yay!! There's three there, that's a link to the first ^^

But anyway, so I've been promising an OotRH post...but honestly, probably not tonight. I'm still trying to figure out some ideas for it and I have a Valentine to color and another to draw. And tomorrow I have to go out and buy chocolates for people and it's just not going to go well, I can already tell.

Also, I want to try to get a comic or two up before Valentine's Day so that they will still make sense...I had a lot of planning for that Valentine's Day arc and then my lazy self screwed me over.


So it legit feels like someone is stabbing the inside of my throat right now. Everytime I swallow, be it food, drink, or just in general, there's a terrible stabby feeling in the very top of my throat that spreads to my ears. Just found out right this second: hurts when I yawn too. Well, it hurts in general, it just gets worse when I perform aforementioned actions.

Ugh...donta wanta color...

Hey! Hey! Someone, anyone, talk Maple Tea with me? Or other pairings (not involving those two because I'm weird and can't whore people out ^^;) maybe? I'm actually really undecided on other Hetalia pairings...Like, Ameripan or AmericaxRussia? Ameripan or JapanxChina? Or ChinaxRussia? And god above, I can't even think about Francis...And then there's the problem of Prussia...Yeah, I really only have Maple Tea and GerIta decided on ^^; SOMEONE TALK HETALIA WITH ME PLEASE

Alrighty, Imma sign off now to color XP Tata~!



I've been meaning to post comics, but something prevents me every time...like me falling asleep at like nine last night...

At robotics...but no one else on animation decided to show up...so instead I've been playing LITTLE ALCHEMY!! YEAH!! So pumped!!

I have three elements left...and I can't figure them out TT~TT

Google Chrome's spellcheck annoys me...


I'm sick...My throat is killing me right now...and I'm all sniffly...and there are little children around kicking up chalkdust and making me choke...yeah not fun...

Disadvantage to falling asleep super early--waking up super early as well. I had no idea what to do with myself at five in the morning...besides play Katamari Damacy, of course.

Ugh! Valentine's Day shopping!! Nooooooooes!!

My computer's been freaking out lately...I wonder if she has a virus...

This keyboard is SUPER loud...bah...

Well, I'll hopefully be on tonight with new comics. And MAYBE a OotRH post. Hopefully. Til then, tata~!


A Conversation With Myself

Me: Self, I'm going to write a post for Out of the Rabbit Hole tonight. And it will be epic.

(five minutes later)


(twenty-some video game levels later)

Me: Oh, I hundred-percented it...OOH ZELDA BLOGS.

(thirty-some minutes later)

Me: No more? Poo...Oh well, I guess I'll go get a drink!

(a glass of water later)

Me: Oooh, Shakespeare!

(one discussion of Twelfth Night later)

Me: OOOOOH a post about me procrastinating!!

This is my life...




I feel like no one's been doing anything on theO tonight...then again, who am I to talk?


Um, so, my dog almost fell down the stairs on our back porch today. She got to the top step and then her legs gave out. I mean, she needs help on the stairs all the time, which was why I was behind her on the way up and able to catch her in time, but she fell kinda on top of me and therefore I couldn't do anything to help her. So we were stuck there for ten minutes while I waited for my aunt to come help, because my mom wasn't home and neither me nor my brother were strong enough to lift her up.

She was shaking the whole time...I felt really bad >///< But she's okay now. She's lounging around as if everything was completely normal XD She's such a good dog.

Okay, that's all for tonight. Tata~!


I Need A Sick Day

I legit burst into tears because my computer stopped working...and wouldn't work again for another thirty minutes.

And now I'm having a freakout because my wart has DOUBLED IN SIZE since I put my band-aid on!

I think I'm sick...I want to stay home...for the rest of my life...
