Must I?

Mood: Stuffy
Listening to: Bound Together stuff... (too lazy for a link)
Today's Word: Panda PIRATE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...spain?
Today's Video Game: Professor Layton and the Curious Village


...right...long post today...I'm supposed to do one of those...

I feel like such a non-champion of the environment...I had to write chapter summaries for two books, and each book had about seven pages of summaries...and I printed them all out...and didn't even think to do double-sided... (headdesk) I'M SORRY TREES

I go back to school tomorrow, cuz the strike's over...I'm excited, but it also means I have to get letters of recommendation...

I started replaying Professor Layton and the Curious Village today because emogit returned it yesterday...I rediscovered my love for Simon...AND I REALIZED WHY I FELL FOR HIM minus the glasses because who wouldn't fall for those glasses? When he talks, there's a certain pose where he kinda laughs and smirks at the same time and scrunches up his's so adorable, in an arrogant, snide kind of way...

Arrogant adorableness? Is this the new awkward adorableness? IGGY STOP CRAMPING MY STYLE I you Artie...

My throat still hurts a lot...I should have taken a nap today...Staying up til four last night was a stupid idea...But totally worth it!

So on the news today, I saw a certain teacher at my school who acts a little too much like a certain secret agent character of mine...and immediately spazzed and pointed at the TV...

Legend of Zelda! Something I love about Zelda is the emphasis on music...You know, the ocarina in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (plus the other three awesome instruments in MM), the Wind Waker in...Wind Waker...But was anyone a little disappointed in the lack of a major instrument in Twilight Princess? I mean, you had the grasses to call your hawk or your horse, and sometimes you howled as a wolf, but it wasn't an extremely important part of the game. Kinda made me sad...I hope Skyward Sword has something musical and it's not just about flying around on giant oversized parrots...

I hate motion controls...I dunno about anyone else, but I really don't want to be active while I'm playing my video games. I like the feel of a controller in my hands, and button mashing is my best friend. Which is why I really want Twilight Princess for Gamecube as opposed to Wii. But everything is going motion control these days (and 3D, but that's a whole other rant) and I really want more "old" games...or games with a Gamecube controller option...Thank god they had that in Brawl...

Semi-motion control, I'm okay Super Mario Galaxy, where the most motion there was was a flick of the controller sometimes. Same with de Blob. The only game that has really been motion control centered that I've enjoyed is Okami. And actually, most of the controls are buttons...nunchuk to move, A to jump...You flick the Wiimote to attack, but you have to flick it in rhythm, which is nice, and then you use the Wiimote as a brush when you paint stuff. I was okay with that.

OH! And WarioWare! Because that's just fun on its own, and then you add in holding the Wiimote above your head and "Let's Pose" and oh wow I miss that game XD Who needs WiiFit when you can jump around like a moron picking noses and stuff?

I'm kinda tired...I should probably sleep... XP


