Mood: Coughy
Listening: Junk of the Heart
Today's Word: Nyasaland
Today's Video Game: More Professor Layton


This song...reminds of Future Luke...for NO REASON AT ALL...

I really have no idea what to talk about...

OH! So Iago has a boyfriend now...er, well, kinda...it's complicated... How to explain...If you take "I want to murder you in the slowest and most painful way possible" as a sign of extreme affection, then Cassio is a perfect match for Iago! ^^; B-but I still think they're cute together... Even if Cassio subjected Iago to major torture during his imprisonment, gave Iago a complex, is the reason Iago can't wear short sleeves, put Iago on the run for half a century, will never forgive Iago...yeah, it's totally logical that Iago would fall for him...DO I THINK?!

I wrote an English paper on legitimately nothing...I couldn't understand at all what was being asked, and he didn't explain it at all in class...I love it when teachers do that -_- I'll be interrogating everyone in my class tomorrow to see if I can improve it tomorrow night...

Except I have BAND AND PLAY TOMORROW. (gags) ...Well, play will be okay cuz I can just sit and doodle through that, plus I like singing :3 Band however... (steals Iago's dagger)

Iago: ...eh? B-but I'm the god of stabbing!

I should go before I get more delirious ^^; Tata~!

