
Mood: Sleepy
Listening to: Nothing, in class
Today's Word: Tired
Today's Video Game: Unwound Future


Why such an early post? Well I have free time in web design and want to have the option of coming home and sleeping after band today.

So this annoying kid in soon not to be my pit has been telling people that our pit instructor's going to get fired. Er, excuse me? What do you know? Stupid freshman thinks he knows it all...He was a big problem attitude-wise in the beginning of the year.

I am just about ready to quit. Saturday pushed me over the edge. Before, I was still on the fence, but... And Thursday, too, with the instructors trying to guilt trip me -_- I almost screamed at them that I was miserable and they should leave me the f*ck alone...


I've really been in such a bad mood lately...please forgive me...

So tired...I'm probably going to fall asleep in precalc ^^; I despise precalc...I despise math... (glares)

Do I have choir today? I hope not...

Well, I'm basically falling asleep at the keys... Tata~! ^^;

