It's Official

I'm moving to Canada.

Any Americans who actually care about the election see that new Rick Perry commercial? I'm not putting it up here because it disgusts me. But he basically claims that Obama is waging a war on religion by allowing gays to serve openly in the military. And apparently our children aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas openly?

(glances around at the stores decked out in Christmas gear and the houses with lights and the Christmas trees everywhere)

Also, did you know that if you practice the Muslim faith you are automatically considered a potential terrorist?

Did you know that if you have more than 7 days worth of food in your house you are automatically considered a potential terrorist?

Therefore, you can be detained indefinitely without a trial! Oh geez, that's not a violation of habeas corpus or anything, which wouldn't happen to be specifically forbidden IN OUR CONSTITUTION!

I (headdesk) HATE (headdesk) THIS (headdesk) COUNTRY!

I've decided that I'm converting to Shinto and moving to Canada. That'll solve my problems. Hopefully.

In better news, my history teacher from last year (who actually made US history INTERESTING) came to visit my class today! He got constricted or something last year--basically, laid off. Even though he was widely agreed to be the best teacher my school has ever seen. But anyway, he stopped by our gov class to say hi and such. One of the really mean girls in my class decided to tell him she got a 690 on her SAT Subject test for US History (out of 800). Of course, I immediately think, "Oh! I should thank him for helping me get a good grade on that!"

...of course, my grade was 720. And I wasn't about to promote me looking like a jerk as well as badmouthing about me by saying that right after she said hers.

So after everyone left, I went up to him and told him that I didn't want to say it in front of said girl, but I got a 720 and wanted to thank him. And you know what he said? "Oh, you should have said it in front of her. I would have laughed."

I love that man.

Well, that's about it. Sorry I haven't posted as much lately...been feeling sick. I actually went home early from school today because of it... XP


Alright, tata~!

