That is one of the most fun music videos I have ever seen.
"There's butter on my head." <3
Got all my Christmas shopping done! Now I just need to do the wrapping and stuff ^^
Spent way too much money this year though... XP I need a job.
OH WAIT. In all my upsetness and such yesterday I forgot to mention my Christmas concert! My piano teacher and I did a duet at my music school's Christmas recital. It was a take on Christmas Eve Sarajevo 12/24 (I think that's the proper order for the title...maybe... XP) by Trans-Siberian Orchestra--you know, the song where they mix Carol of the Bells and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen? Well most of the people there were little kids and stuff, so we were performing for a bunch of little kids and their parents and such. I was playing the piano and my teacher was playing her violin. And we did AWESOME. I got so many compliments X3 And apparently the head guy at the music school wants us to record it. I was like, "Really? O.o I didn't think I was THAT good...." SO EXCITED.
Ugh...I have so many Christmas cards to draw... EMOGIIIIIIIIIT. Not sure if you're reading but are we doing that note gift exchange thing? I probably need to start on that soonish...Especially cuz I have food to make for this week...
Not too long til Christmas!! Seven days!! :3
Oh...I have to decide what my respective characters are getting their respective boyfriends for Christmas...EMOGIT. I CALL UPON YOU AGAIN. What does Arthur want for Christmas? ^^;
There's a zombie on your lawn~!