I'm totally on a Pokemon high right now.

I just...wanna draw Pokemon...nonstop...

I'm actually started work on a super Pokemon fanfic project...details to come...

Laaaaa wanta draw things...

School needs to end already...I get to go home today and do absolutely nothing. I'm not coming in tomorrow because of a doctor's appointment, so I can leave all my homework for tomorrow night!! :D stomach suddenly hurts...

I have a Cthulhu on my finger~! He's gonna eat your soul~!

Speaking of Cthulhu, that reminds me of Iago, which reminds me of OotRH...I really wanna write for that again...Please someone post? Before I double post and screw with the system....

OH! Anyone who has Black and White, Nintendo is giving out a free Pokemon--a lv. 100 Zekrom for those playing Black and a lv. 100 Reshiram for those playing White. Each has a Dragon Orb along with some really awesome moves, and, if you didn't already know, they are not obtainable in-game otherwise; you have to trade with someone. They're only available until April 8th! (At least, I'm 95% sure...)

Well, I'm off to stalk pictures of Pokemon online. Tata~!

