A Bit of Explicit Ranting

Be forewarned, I'm going to drop the f-bomb a lot in the next few sentences.


Fuck you, people. I figured I'd start out with a general one.

Fuck you, people who don't understand "alone time".

Fuck you, people who think that my problems aren't important, too.

Fuck you, person who stole/threw out my knife and you, person who stole/threw out my important Nazi Germany book.

Fuck you, people who stare at me when I eat alone in the dining hall.

Fuck you, people who don't shower. (They're EVERYWHERE.)

Fuck you, people who chill out in bare feet like a) it's not disgusting and b) it doesn't smell.

Fuck you, a cappella group who rejected me. I mean, okay, it's one thing if you reject me, and I can understand that. It's another thing if you tell me in my audition that I sounded amazing and implied that I was definitely in, and THEN rejected me.

And fuck you, random citizen! (points)

I'm so done (headdesk)
