Ever notice how you're great and happy and everything is going amazing? Then life decides "I'm going to ruin it" Next thing you know you're just spiraling down hill. Then it's suddenly one bad thing after another. Next thing you know you're just worn out and angry. Well that's my life story. I woke up this morning happy and hopeful because for the first time in a while I got some decent sleep. Then my sister makes me late for school so I had to run. Luckily classes started later today and I forget so I was actually early. I was glad about that but just as I'm feeling happy again life finds a way to make me mad again.
For example I'm walking up to my homeroom when a freshman passing by drops 3 of her textbooks on my foot (lucky for her it was an accident because my reaction wouldnt have been as nice). My foot was throbbing by the time first period started and then the whole day through teachers decide to drown us in homework. I finally get to lunch and receive good news. Then I find out I have to stay behind for an extra class so I got out of school later.
Now I finally get home and I'm all psyched because I got half my homework done at lunch and in between classes so I can relax and hand out on this website. I finished my drawing for MangaKid and finally got it on my computer so I got happy and everything! Then the website tells me that it's been denied -_-
So as you can see today isnt going great for me. Sorry Jen! I promise I'll try again tomorrow or during the weekend since I have a 3 day weekend.
More bad news! I have 3 exams tomorrow -_- Time to study and then eat and sleep. Cant wait until Friday