More Questions (This is somehow fun)

1.If you could have only 3 electrical appliances in your house, what would they be and why?
Probably my laptop, ipod and the fridge. My Laptop because I have all my stories on it and I need it for homework or I’d never survive. Ipod because I cant live without my music (although I could listen to music on my laptop *shrugs* oh well) and my fridge because I need my food good and fresh not rotten!

2.If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
Sleeping in bed or maybe sitting on the beach to watch the sun set in a few hours

3.What do you have on your bedroom walls?
3 framed photos. A few of my drawings and some my friends made me, a cross, my name drawing very creatively on paper by my friend and I think that’s it but I’m too lazy to actually get up and go check

4.Which day of the week do you hate the most?

5.If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Sea green or Sky Blue (I feel like Ive been asked this before)

6.What five things will you always find on you or in your bag?
My Ipod, phone (if its not in my pocket), bandaids (my friends and sisters are accident prone -_-), pen and probably my ID or money

7.Do you have any pets? If so, what?
No but I used to have a parakeet

8.What is your favorite color?
Green or Blue

9.What chocolate is your favorite?
Snikers or Milky Way

10.What advice would you give to yourself 3 years ago?
Stop being a procrastinator! Do your work when you get it before it becomes a freaking habit!

11.What is a good random question to ask someone?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ^-^

12.What did you have for lunch yesterday?
Salami sandwich and a chocolate chip cookie

13.If reincarnation is the way of the universe what do you think you will come back as?
Gid I wish a knew! Maybe a bird. I’d love to be reincarnated as a bird or a lion!

14.What is your favorite book you read as a child?
Cat in the Hat or any Dr. Suess books. Those and Magic Tree House if anybody remembers them

15.Would you rather lose your sight or sense of hearing?
Sight I think because I couldn’t live without being able to hear all the beautiful things in the world like music and my family

16.What was the last thing you drank?
Water or Lemonade. I don’t remember oddly enough

17.Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night for sure

18.If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?
I’ve always dreamed of having a library like the one Belle had in Beauty in the Beast. Since I was a kid I wanted one

19.Is the glass half empty or half full?
It’s just a glass of water. I’m sadly a realist on occasions but if I had to choose one I’d say half empty

20.Quick, think of Pokemons! What Pokemon comes to mind?
Umbreon (my favorite)
Feel free to take these questions for yourself. They're actually fun to answer. I love answering these random questions ^-^
