The Antagonists' Storyline
- Brahm is enslaved in Angrova for many years
- Colborn is banished from Angrova's towns
- Hyacinth is banished from Angrova's towns but stays in Angrova
- Colborn moves to Camése's outskirts
- Godwin also moves into Camése
- Godwin tries to live peacefully in Camése but feels like an outcast
- The slave rebellion in Angrova takes place
- Hyacinth joins Brahm before moving to Camése
- Brahm migrates over to Camése from Angrova wasteland
- Brahm starts moving around Camése and preaching
- Hyacinth follows Brahm basically because she knows nobody else
- Colborn joins Brahm's party
- Colborn starts preaching in Brahm's absences
- Caractacus is recruited by Colborn
- Godwin joins Brahm after one of Colborn's first sermons
- Brahm rescues Faerydae
- Faerydae joins the group, idolizing Colborn for "saving" her
- Colborn starts mentoring Faerydae
- Hyacinth becomes basically a bodyguard for Colborn
- Colborn's messages start getting revolutionary
- Brahm realizes what Colborn is beginning to preach and tries to talk to him
- Colborn disregards Brahm completely
- Brahm denounces Colborn and leaves the group
- Colborn assumes new role of leader
- Everyone else stays with Colborn for now
- Brahm starts looking for the protags
- Colborn's messages start getting harsh - "not halfling enough"
- Godwin stands up to Colborn's harsh messages
- Godwin is murdered by Colborn
- Hyacinth, Caractacus, and Faerydae upset but scared to leave
- Colborn continues to incite violence against humans