Ayla Haste and Chirp

Name: Ayla Haste
Gender: female
Age: 14
Height/Weight: 5' slim
Hair style/color: brown, fairly long, always wears a cute hat
Eye color: brown
Orientation: strait
Personality: very kind and loving, loves all animals and has several pets
Clothing (on daily bases): Dresses and skirts mostly. (I love the outfit in the pic)
Weapon: none
Element: air
Past: Until two years ago Ayla was Aligned. One day she saw guards attack Charlie. Not under standing why the guards did it, Ayla had her PET, Chirp, save Charlie. Charlie knew leaving Ayla there would put her in danger with The Government, so she took Ayla with her. She now considers Ayla to be a younger sister.
Friends: Charlie Rose
Enemies: none
Mate: none
Fighting style: Ayla does not fight, even in the face of danger. She heals people.
Player: inuyashadorky
Alignment: Un-Aligned

PET form

Name: Chirp
Gender: female
Race: Canary
Size: small
Main color: Yellow frosted
Eye color: black
Personality: friendly, calm
Power: healing through song
Element: water
Fighting style: doesn't fight

Charlotte Rose and Rafe

Name: Charlotte Rose (called Charlie)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height/Weight: 4'10" slim, wiry, and quick!
Hair style/color: black, always either braided, or red ribbon in it acting as hair band, to middle of back
Eye color: brown
Orientation: Bi
Personality: Get angry easily, is very passionate
Clothing (on daily bases): cargo pants, tank top, leather jacket
Weapon: 2 Knives
Element: fire
Past: Charlie was born to Un-Aligned parents. This is the only life style she knows. Her father was Killed by Guards when she was young. Charlie is a thief, and excels in sneaking around.
Friends: Ayla
Enemies: Guards
Mate: none
Fighting style: strikes low and fast
Player: inuyashadorky
Aligned, or Un-Aligned: un-aligned

PET form

Name: Rafe
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf
Size: large dog
Main color: dark greyish brown
Eye color: greenish yellow
Personality: Protective, slightly wild
Power: Abnormal strength
Element: earth
Fighting style: lunge right in, biting whoever gets in his way.



Hair style/color:
Eye color:
Clothing (on daily bases):
Fighting style:
Aligned, or Un-Aligned:

PET form

Main color:
Eye color:
Fighting style:

Please fill out both forms in the same post.


The Alliance doesn't like it's citizens becoming Un-Aligned, so they have Guards. The Guards try to keep The Un-Aligned away at all costs!

Guarding is one of the few jobs that's not randomly chosen all the time. If a teenager is strong and works out a lot then they are assigned to be a Guard.

The Un-Aligned

Some people hate the Alliance. These people are The Un-Aligned. They strive on freedom, living in a world where everyone gets their pick. Of course, there are often fights when people disagree. The Un-Aligned think it's worth it! The Un-Aligned live in abandoned towns, and have to steal almost everything they own.