Break Water


I could see fire in the horizen. The bright colours rising and flaring in the sky over the mountains. This was bad. The trees around here where dry, and the whole forest would soon be devoured by the flames.

We had to move.

I turned from the window and moved quickly twords where I kept my things. I sliped two small knifes into holders on my boots for cooking, and grabed my long jacket from the table. It had taken almost a year to build this home for me and sake; and it would take only moments to destroy.

"Where are you going Faith?" Sake asked winding his way around my legs.


Sake stopped moving and turned his head to look at me. His golden eyes searched mine for for answers.

"When will it be here?" He asked, as I stepped over him and grabed my Masumune from its shelf on the wall.


I opened the door for the last time and steped out into the fresh air, Sake slithered through the grass ahead of me.

There was no need to shut the door.

We were not coming back.
