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This is where I'll post my thoughts, opinions, or just things that happened to me.

A little tidbit about me in 270 words:
I am known as various names, but on theOtaku, I go by the username Timcanpy14. I’ll start off with my favourite anime/manga (in no order): Code Geass, Death Note, D.Gray-man, Shiki, and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Outside of graphic desigining and anime/manga, my hobbies include drawing and painting; singing; reading novels, poems and non-fiction; watching movies; swimming in pools, the sea (I love the ocean but sadly, I live far away from the coast T.T); and jogging.

I’ve also made a recent discovery of myself, and that is being a practical person—I’m decent at solving math problems and whatnot but lacking in creativity and originality. What a great reason to be on a creative anime art-promoting website, huh? xD

Let’s move on to favourite colours. Mine consist of various shades of cyan, pink and purple, but it’s not like I absolutely love only those colours and despise every other colour. xD

If you’re like me and have selective memory, I’ll sum it all up for you. In short, the identity of Timcanpy14 can be defined as being an Otaku, having many hobbies, enjoying swimming in the sea, has a practical mind, and finds the shades of cyan, pink and purple pleasing to her eyes.

And that’s all you really need to know about me—or not, because it’s not that important, haha. But if you were—for some reason—curious about me, there it is. Hope that answers all your questions? But if you feel like asking me something, whether it be about myself, any requests for cards/icons, or just want to talk, just shoot me a private message; I don’t bite~


I am a member of Raisha's Lovely Ladies of myOtaku/theOtaku~
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Sakura Kiss

Got tagged by Quiet Noise and Felcie~

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, mp3 player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 15 friends
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun!

If someone says "is this okay" you say?
Do you like waffles? by Parry Gripp XDDDD

What do you like in a guy/girl?
Shiawase Neiro by Orange Range

How do you feel today ?
Guilty Beauty Love by Mamoru Miyano O.o

What is your life's purpose ?
World End by Flow (I'm gonna end the world! XDDDD)

What is your motto ?
Viva La Vida by Coldplay

What do your friends think of you ?
Uragiri no Yuuyake by Theatre Brook

What do you think of your parents ?
Colors by Flow

What do you think about very often ?
Doubt & Trust by access

What do you think of your best friend ?
Just Dance by Lady Gaga

What do you think of the person you like ?
Caramell Dansen by Caramell XDDD

What is your life story ?
Shiver by the GazettE (Yes I already downloaded this song~) XDD

What do you want to be when you grow up ?
Parallel Hearts by FictionJunction

What do you think whan you see the person you like ?
The Scientist by Coldplay O.o

What do your parents think of you ?
Monochrome no Kiss by SID

What will you dance to at your wedding ?
Alumina by Nightmare

What will they play at your funeral ?
Here by Hellogoodbye

What is your hobby/interest ?
Shissou by Last Alliance

What do you think of your friends ?
Lacrimosa by Kalafina

What's the worst thing that could happen ?
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni by ... (who's the artist again? O.o)

How will you die ?
Howling by abingdon boys school

What is the one thing you regret ?
Fix You by Coldplay

What makes you laugh?
19sai by Suga Shikao

What makes you cry?
Tsuki no ame by Daisuke Ono

Will you ever get married ?
Count me in by Leeland

What scares you the most ?
O2 by Orange Range

Does anyone like you ?
Rinne ~Rondo~ by On/Off

If you could go back in time, what would you change ?
Tik Tok by Ke$ha

What hurts right now ?
Caramell Dansen (English) XDDDD

What will you post this as ?
Sakura Kiss by Kawabe Chieco

I tag...
1. Any
2. Person
3. Who
4. Reads
5. This
6. Can
7. Steal
8. It
9. If
10. They
11. Want
12. 'Cause
13. I
14. Am
15. Lazy~

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VK Night 62: Beyond the Memories

Vampire Knight chapter 62 finally released~
Click to read it~~ X333

*Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!*

So many things are revealed in this chapter, and yet still so many thing to be explained~ Who is the person who told Kaname to drink their blood at the last page? What's the meaning of Yuki comparing Kaname to Zero? Just a similarity, or is there something more? >A< So many questions still waiting to be answered... I can't believe we have to wait another month!

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Timcanpy's Piece of Mind

Was tagged by Felcie~

-Tag at least 6 people.
-Be honest...

01. What's your favorite things about theOtaku?
It brings all the obsessed otakuites together to share their wonderful fandoms about anything~ XDD

02. What's the most detestable things you found in this site?
Nothing that much, honestly... ^^

03. What's your hope when you subscribe to someone?
I subscribe to people cause their artworks are amazing, so I hope to see more of them~ And also that they'll sub back. XDD

04. If you're given one chance to change a feature in this site, what would that be?
Hmm... well sometimes I want to dedicate my work to more than one person~ (stole Felcie's answer XDD)

05. Do you like meeting new members, and why and why is that?
Yes because I used to be new and clueless like them, and I had so many nice members welcome me, so now I love welcoming them~

06. What do you like most in some of theO members?
They make such lovely art~

07. Do you have something you hate in some of the members?
Nah, I love em all~ XDDD

08. Lastly, what do you think of these questions? And do you hope it was never made?
This was kinda short... but fun questions~

repost this as:

...(your name)...'s piece of mind...

I'll tag:
1. Anyone
2. Who
3. Wants
4. To
5. Do
6. This~
*is too lazy to find 6 people* XDDDD

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-Quote of the Day-

Lolz, sorry for not posting these again... >A<

Here's today's Quote of the Day:

"What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade."
~Gertrude Jekyll

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-Quote of the Day-

Oops, I haven't been posting these for a few days~ ^^'
Today's Quote of the Day is:

"Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!
~Sandra J. Dykes"

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