External Image

Attributes of a TimeChaser: Witty, sarcastic, opinionated, loyal, sometimes spaztacularifically geeky.

Chasing Time for: 33 years

Nicknames, Aliases, Pseudonyms and Nom de plumes: TC, Toki, Times, Chase, Timey Boy, Old Man

Interests: Music, Scifi/Fantasy, Anime, Science, History

Major Fandoms: Doctor Who, MythBusters, Top Gear

Other Worlds

The Watercooler|The Who Files|Radio Times

My Week in Anime #3 (March 1 - March 7) - PART 2

Shadow Skill ep 4 - 8 The series is still in episodic mode right now, but this batch of episodes continues to entertain. These episodes run the gamut: - While working at an inn on a tiny island to earn some cash,...

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My Week in Anime #3 (March 1 - March 7) - PART 1

Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora ep 1 - 6 (Complete) Seventeen-year-old Yuichi Ezaki is in the hospital for Hepatitis A. Constantly sneaking out at night, he incurs the wrath of his nurse, Akiko Tanizaki. When Yuichi notices...

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My Week in Anime #2 (Feb. 22 - Feb. 28) - PART 2

I watched way less than I wanted to during the last half of the week since the majority of my time was spent trying to fix my computer. Since none of my efforts payed off, I'm going to drop it for now and focus on getting through more of my shows...

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Going slowly mad...

Well, I found out what make my computer get stuck in and endless restart loop that requires system recovery. It's Windows Service Pack 3. I took my problems to the Tech Questions section of Anime Pulse forums, because I know there are some...

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Need Help: Can't download MSN Messenger.

Ok folks, I need some help. After the recent PC recovery I went though, I've had to reinstall certain programs for them to work again. I'm trying to get Windows Live Messenger again, but every time I try to download it, I get a "Connection...

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