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Attributes of a TimeChaser: Witty, sarcastic, opinionated, loyal, sometimes spaztacularifically geeky.

Chasing Time for: 33 years

Nicknames, Aliases, Pseudonyms and Nom de plumes: TC, Toki, Times, Chase, Timey Boy, Old Man

Interests: Music, Scifi/Fantasy, Anime, Science, History

Major Fandoms: Doctor Who, MythBusters, Top Gear

Other Worlds

The Watercooler|The Who Files|Radio Times

Get Out and Vote!

And now, a public service announcement. If you're a registered Democrat, and you haven't voted early or by absentee, please get out to the polls today and vote. Complacency is our worst enemy, so we shouldn't assume victory before it's ove...

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Will it ever stop!?

And yet another harem. I had to balance it out, 2 female and 2 male. I've been thinking about maybe doing others that are characters played by favorite VAs. We'll see... Anyway, here are the second-string ladies. ...

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Holy Muraki!

*shot for title* It's a good thing I just checked the TV schedule tonight, because I saw that Descendants Of Darkness (Yami no Matsuei) is coming on after Gurren Lagann starting tonight. It's a good thing I have a bunch of...

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Harem #3 - The Villains

'Gome, I will make you pay for this. Someday... Anyway, with my first man-harem, I realized I had picked all good guys. Not wanting to discriminate on the excellent baddies out there, I have now compiled an all-villains harem. ...

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Equal Opportunity Hareming

Once again following in 'Gome's footsteps, I unveil my harem of male anime characters. Just 'cause I can. =P Spike - ...

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