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Attributes of a TimeChaser: Witty, sarcastic, opinionated, loyal, sometimes spaztacularifically geeky.

Chasing Time for: 33 years

Nicknames, Aliases, Pseudonyms and Nom de plumes: TC, Toki, Times, Chase, Timey Boy, Old Man

Interests: Music, Scifi/Fantasy, Anime, Science, History

Major Fandoms: Doctor Who, MythBusters, Top Gear

Other Worlds

The Watercooler|The Who Files|Radio Times

General random blah

It's hard to post about life when NOTHING HAPPENS! After being delayed for several weeks by the parentals traveling out of town every weekend, I finally managed to get to the bookstore last Friday. (I look forward to the day when I'm not m...

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Sieges Even - The Lonely View of Condors

Normally I would wait a while between music posts, but I'm putting up a new song to make up for the last one. ^^ I knew people probably wouldn't find the vocals appealing even if they liked the music, but I wanted to put up some Dark Tranquillity...

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Dark Tranquillity - The Mundane and the Magic

It's been about a month, so time to post some more music. This time it's Dark Tranquillity, one of the Gothenberg bands that pioneered the melodic death metal genre, proving that the extreme and the melodic didn't have to b...

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Addition to the previous post

Better off making this a post of it's own so people who already read the last post don't miss it if they don't look at it again. If anyone want's to hear the audio version of "Letter to a Christian Nation", I found it on You Tube. Here is ...

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"Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris

Since I mentioned it last time, I wanted to make a small post dedicated to this book. I think it's something everyone should read, whether you are reli...

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