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Attributes of a TimeChaser: Witty, sarcastic, opinionated, loyal, sometimes spaztacularifically geeky.

Chasing Time for: 33 years

Nicknames, Aliases, Pseudonyms and Nom de plumes: TC, Toki, Times, Chase, Timey Boy, Old Man

Interests: Music, Scifi/Fantasy, Anime, Science, History

Major Fandoms: Doctor Who, MythBusters, Top Gear

Other Worlds

The Watercooler|The Who Files|Radio Times

New Music and Stuff in the Mail

So, my exciting life continues. *brick'd* First, just posted some new music over on Uploads. This time some selections from Porcupine Tree, one of my all-tim...

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Tiffany Grant Chat!

The Tiffany Grant celebrity VA chat tonight was excellent! I think a later start time helped keep the number of people down; way down, in fact - not even 30 people this time compared to almost 90 for the Kyle Hebert chat. And, no offense to the ...

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A Victim of Clerical Error

Today was a voting day across Florida. Primary stuff: school board, judges, tax collector, county clerk... All that kind of stuff. Our polling place is my old elementary school, so I took grandma with me this afternoon so we could vote. W...

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New Stuff

With the tropical storm long gone, I really wanted to take the opportunity to get out of the house for awhile, having been mainly shut in since Monday night. Fortunately I had the perfect excuse: a Barnes & Noble 15%-off-one-item discount certifi...

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Some frelling awsome news...

Just got a heads up from a friend of mine. SciFi.com has ordered a 10-part webisode series of Farscape! For anyone who's a Scaper, this is excellent news. While we'd idealy love to see the show return to television, the world of money and...

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