Just to fill the posting void...

Just felt like posting something, however small and insignificant it might be.

Yesterday my mom got me out of the house to do some driving (which I haven't done in quite a while, being the hermit that I am). One of the areas in our city is called Lake Washington. Yesterday on this drive, for the first time in my life despite living here all of my nearly-28-years, we drove all the way to the end of a road I'd been part-way on many times before (since that was how to get to my ex-gf's place), and I actually SAW Lake Washington. I found it really incredible that I'd never actually seen the darn thing before, because apparently that's the water supply for the city. So I just drove around the parking area for a bit, then we took a slightly different route home. Mom's going to make this a regular thing this week, I'm sure, getting me to do more driving.

Other than that, I'll wrap up reading The Color of Magic today, the first book in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. I'm enjoying it immensely. ^^ Basic plot: Twoflower, pretty much the first tourist in Discworld history, hires the inept and cowardly wizard Rincewind as his guide. The two then go through a series of adventures, which Rincewind would naturally avoid if it were up to him. I've determined that I'm going to attempt the epic feat of reading all the Discworld books (32 so far) in one go. I'm pretty sure I'll succeed, though, because I haven't been this enthralled by a novel series in quite a while. 8D

The only drawback with all this reading is that I'm falling behind on my anime, so I need to find a balance of both activities.
