American TV should be more like British TV

Bit of a rant, but I have to get it out.

Once again, SciFi Channel's editing manages to really piss me off. Episode 2 of the new Doctor Who season, The Fires Of Pompeii, just finished a few minutes ago... WITH THE LAST SCENE CUT OFF!! Plus several other edits.

This is another reason that, while I record them off SciFi for the rest of the family, I still prefer to download the episode after they've aired in the UK. Their programs are commercial-free, and I really wish that was the way it was here in the US. Far too many advertisments are shoved in our faces all the time, and when it affects the integrity of my favorite shows, I take it personally.

So, if anyone watched the episode and wants to know what they cut out, just ask and I'll let you know.
